Challenging elements of hatha yoga

Yoga asanas for advanced yoga are recommended for expectant mothers who have a long experience of classes before pregnancy and whose well-being and physical fitness allow them to perform exercises designed for women with well-trained and stretched muscles.

Йога для продвинутых: сложные асаны

High-complexity level asanas

Virabhadrasana I:

Place the left leg bent at the knee parallel to the mat, the right leg straight back, arms with folded palms together straightened and lifted up over the head. Breathing freely, back straight, asana is performed for a minute and repeated with the right leg bent.

Uttthita Parshvakonasana:

From the previous pose with the right leg bent at the knee and the left leg straightened back, pivot the body at a right angle. Bend to the right side, palm left hand raised above head and touching the toe of right foot.

Light version of Prasarita Padottanasana:

Rest your fingers on the lower back, with the back slightly bent and the straight legs shoulder-width apart along the mat. Bend forward and backward. Put your hands on the floor between your legs, and do a roll to one side and back, bending, alternately, at the knee.

Utkata konasana:

With your feet about a meter wide apart, crouch down so that your thighs are parallel to the floor. Bend forward and twist your body sideways at the same time, pushing your knees back with your hands.


– lunge forward with your foot (second leg stretched straight backwards) roll straight backwards and forwards several times and fix stretching for 3-5 breathing cycles;

– With legs stretched as wide as possible along the mat, put yourself on forearms and roll body forward and backward.

If you get a transverse twine, you can do full twine stretching exercises.


Performed standing with the right leg over the left leg and twisted around it, while the left arm is crossed over the right. The hip joints are on the same line and the elbows are at shoulder level. The asana is mirrored for the other arm and leg in the upper position.

Supta Virasana:

From a sitting position on the heels of bent legs, with knees brought together and shins resting on the mat, the back is slowly tilted back on a blanket roller.

Baddha Konasana:

– Sit with your legs bent, bringing your feet together with the outside of your feet and trying to reach the floor with your knees, with your hands resting on the mat behind you;

– grasping the feet with your hands, bring your elbows apart and at the same time bend forward;

– After locking the forward bend, press the pelvic floor muscles as you inhale and relax as you exhale.

Seto Bandhasana:

Knee-bent legs shoulder-width apart, from sitting position lift the pelvis to a horizontal position, hands resting on the mat and resting on shoulders, or the same pose with resting on outstretched arms. Make pelvic up and down movements in the asana.

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One can do full bridge resting on straightened arms and legs, if one’s fitness and well-being allow.


Performed sitting on a mat with straight legs spread apart. The body leans forward, palms around the heels, the abdomen is freely placed between the thighs. In this position, relax and hold for a few breathing cycles.

Parivritta Janushirshasana Shirshasana:

The right leg is bent at the knee, with the heel pressed against the crotch and the left straight leg pulled to the side. Put your left hand on the right knee and bend toward the left leg, trying to reach the left toe with the right hand. Then, the movement is repeated with a bend toward the extended right leg.

Upavishta konasana:

Sitting on the mat with straight legs spread apart, try to lie on the mat with your stomach. Keep the back straight, with palms resting freely on the floor.

If the posture is comfortable, one can put the forearms on the mat and put the chin on the palms interlocked.


In full crouch with knees apart, fold your palms in namaste and exercise the pelvic floor muscles, tightening them on the inhale and relaxing them on the exhale.


From the supine position, gently lift straight legs and pelvis upward, placing elbows on the mat and resting your palms on the lower back. The support is on the shoulders, and the toes are pulled as high as possible toward the ceiling.

It is useful to finish the practice consisting of complex yoga elements by resting and relaxing in Shavasana, lying on the back with arms outstretched to the sides. For convenience, a pillow is placed under the knees and the legs are slightly moved apart. If the position on the back is not comfortable, you can lie on your side, putting a pillow between the thighs and bending the upper leg at the knee.

Йога для продвинутых: сложные асаны

Nuances of the correct execution

1. It is recommended that you sit on a pillow so that your back is not rounded when doing asanas.

2. Between asanas, it is useful to do exercises to rest and relax the muscles.

3. To perform asanas from the supine position, first carefully lie on the mat on your side, and then turn on your back.

4. The appearance of pain or discomfort is a reason to get out of the pose or postpone the class.

Complex yoga postures allow pregnant women to work the muscles intensely with sufficient physical exertion appropriate to their level of fitness. A detailed course of high-level yoga with an alternation of basic asanas and compensatory exercises is offered in the video tutorial on the site.

Йога для продвинутых: сложные асаны
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