Vitamins during pregnancy are an important part of the full development of the baby and maintaining the health of its mother. The necessary set of minerals should be prescribed only by a gynecologist on the basis of medical indications. The best option would be to opt for special health complexes.

Vitamins during pregnancy is an opportunity to make up for existing deficiencies and ensure the full development of the fetus during pregnancy. When planning to conceive, it is important to take tests for the necessary trace elements and get a doctor’s appointment to take the mandatory vitamin and mineral complexes. This will provide the body with mandatory substances that will contribute to the proper development of the fetus.

How pregnancy affects the need for minerals

Many doctors confirm that it is necessary to start preparing for the conception of a child, with taking all the necessary tests. This will identify all existing deficiencies and make up for them with the necessary vitamins during pregnancy. Without special supplements, the body has a hard time, and the lack of certain micronutrients causes serious violations in the process of fetal formation.

If there will be a significant shortage of basic macro and micronutrients, the doctor will prescribe vitamins for pregnancy. Strictly prohibited independent selection of supplements and taking them without appointment. It is worth remembering that regular monitoring of the overall condition plays a very important role. For example, if there is an overabundance of iron in the body, it will lead to an increased concentration of platelets, and will also cause poor digestion, constipation and nausea.

The presence of essential micro- and macronutrients has a positive effect both on the unborn child and his mother. For example, due to magnesium and potassium deficiency, cramps occur, and the lack of calcium and element D leads to the destruction of dental enamel. Vitamins for pregnancy are divided into three groups according to the trimester. In order to correctly select the necessary supplements, it is necessary to consult in advance with the attending physician.

Composition of vitamins for pregnant women

The best vitamins for pregnancy usually contain a full range of trace elements and minerals. Included in their composition are:

  • Group B. Promotes proper absorption of necessary substances;
  • Е. Necessary for the respiration of tissues;
  • Iodine. This trace element has a positive effect on the physical and mental abilities of the baby. Also responsible for normalizing metabolism and supporting the thyroid gland;
  • Zinc. Stimulates skin regeneration and hair growth in the expectant mother;
  • Calcium. It is essential in the formation of the baby’s nervous system, and is also responsible for the development of muscles and bones.

All these nutrients will play a role, so their presence in the composition of mineral and vitamin supplements is a must.

Obligatory nutrients for the mother

The expectant mother should take care to ensure that the future mother’s body in sufficient quantities of certain nutrients: folic acid, iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc. The presence of elements A, C, D, E and B also affects. The prescription of drugs should only be made by the attending physician on the basis of tests and general health.

For the woman in labor and her baby, the following vitamins have “must-have” status:

  • А. It is necessary for the placenta to develop normally, as well as for the fetus to form visual pigments. An excess of the element in a woman’s body can be harmful, so it is worth taking care to maintain the norm;
  • D. Responsible for the normal function of the female reproductive system, as well as for the normal development of the fetal skeleton;
  • Е. This vitamin compound is responsible for the prevention of miscarriage. The recommended dose of intake should not be exceeded, as it can lead to negative consequences.
  • Folic acid. Helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. It is one of the first prenatal vitamins, and one of the most important;
  • Iodine – Participates in metabolic processes in the body, is needed to normally develop the musculoskeletal and nervous system of the fetus;
  • Lutein. Necessary for the development of the brain and vision of the unborn child;
  • Magnesium. Included in the list of essential vitamins during pregnancy. Responsible for regulation of uterine contractile function, prevents congenital abnormalities of the fetus and miscarriages. Also affects the process of childbirth and lactation;
  • Calcium. The basis for the formation of bone tissue and muscles of the fetus, provides normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Какие витамины принимать женщине при беременности?

To find out the necessary vitamins during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist and take tests.

Essential micronutrients during pregnancy

What vitamins are needed during pregnancy? Literally everything – both for the development of the fetus, and to support pregnancy, to prevent complications. Including that the woman provides the needs of her own body. To some extent, the choice of drugs affects the region of residence, the nature of the diet, the state of health.

The list of mandatory vitamins in pregnancy includes: folic acid, iron and element D. Further, the list of necessary substances may vary depending on the condition of the woman in labor. Let’s break down the benefits of the main minerals that can be included in vitamin and mineral supplements.

  1. Folic acid. Folate is responsible for the proper formation of the nervous system and other organs of the unborn child. This nutrient is practically not produced by the body, so you can get it only with food. You can replenish the norm if you eat the following products – green leafy vegetables: arugula, spinach, kohlrabi, beef liver. The intake of folic acid is usually prescribed, both during conception and during pregnancy.
  2. Iodine – One of the most important vitamins for pregnancy, since it affects the formation of the brain. Thyroid hormones are involved in this process, which determine the sequence of laying and development of brain cells.
  3. Iron. This useful trace element is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, a protein that is located in red blood cells. It carries oxygen, including delivering it to the fetus through the placenta. Iron deficiency can cause anemia of varying severity. This will cause increased fatigue, pallor, loss of appetite. If there is a lack of this vitamin during pregnancy, problems with the development may also occur in the fetus. The body optimally absorbs iron, which comes with food, namely foods of animal origin – meat, fish, seafood.
  4. D. This important vitamin in pregnancy is responsible for calcium metabolism and the proper formation of bones and teeth of the unborn child. Lack of this trace element can cause diabetes and eclampsia. Element D is fat-soluble, so it accumulates in the body and can cause hypervitaminosis. That is why it is not recommended to exceed the dose recommended by your doctor. Contains this mineral in dairy products, fish, and is also produced by the skin under the influence of sunlight.
  5. Calcium. The need of calcium during pregnancy and lactation increases by 1.4 times. For its proper absorption, it should be taken in combination with element D3.
  6. А. Responsible for vision and skin formation. This vitamin during pregnancy accumulates in the body, so you need to watch to avoid overdose. Hypervitaminosis is manifested by the following symptoms – headaches, nausea, loss of appetite. To avoid this, the use of balanced vitamin and mineral complexes is recommended;
  7. Magnesium. This microelement is especially necessary for the body of the mother and her baby in the first and second trimester. It promotes muscle relaxation: because of frequent cramps of the muscles of the lower limbs, the excitability of the nervous system increases, as well as sleep disorders occur.
Какие витамины принимать женщине при беременности?

All these vitamins in pregnancy will play a role, so you need to make sure that the body has the necessary minerals, macro and trace elements. Without this, the full development of the fetus, without any unpleasant consequences is impossible.

Vitamins during pregnancy by trimester

Multivitamin complexes in the first, second and third trimesters differ from each other. This is due to the fact that different organs and systems are laid down at different periods.

The first trimester

Vitamins for pregnancy in the first trimester are especially important, because they are responsible for the harmonious development of the female body. Among them, there are several most important. In particular, taking folic acid is important even before conception, as well as during the first weeks of pregnancy. It prevents the emergence of anemia, and also affects the full formation of the nervous system of the fetus.

Macronutrient A is involved at all stages of fetal formation, and vitamin E regulates the production of female hormones at first. In the first months of pregnancy vitamins should be chosen in strict accordance with the prescription of the doctor and on the basis of taken tests.

Second trimester

The list of vitamins for the second trimester includes iodine, calcium, iron. Let’s analyze the value of each microelement separately. So, iodine affects the thyroid gland, and also normalizes metabolism.

Какие витамины принимать женщине при беременности?

Calcium preparations should be taken for the proper formation of the skeleton, kidneys, and had a positive effect on the endocrine system. Iron helps to organize the proper delivery of oxygen to all cells, as well as normalizing the tone of the uterus. In turn, iron acts as one of the most important vitamins for pregnancy, as it is responsible for the formation of muscle mass.

Third trimester

Vitamins for pregnancy in the third trimester necessarily include D and C. The first is responsible for the development of bones, and the second for the preparation of the child’s immune system. The specifics of taking these vitamins depend on the general condition of the expectant mother, the presence or absence of certain deficiencies.

Daily rate

The correct intake of vitamins for pregnancy depends on how accurately the daily dose is selected. So, the body of a pregnant woman should daily intake of useful substances: minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats. This is necessary not only for her body, but also for the baby.

In the first trimester, folic acid is extremely necessary. Her daily dose ranges from 0.4 to 0.8 mg. In order to replenish this microelement in the body, it is recommended to eat green vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes and wholemeal bread on a daily basis. Vitamin B9 is also found in the right amount in spinach, walnuts, beef liver and cod liver.

What vitamins should a woman take when pregnant?

The daily dose of vitamin A is no more than 2500 IU. This micronutrient is especially needed during the first weeks of pregnancy. Red, green, and yellow vegetables and fruits are rich in it. So, this list includes: pumpkin, carrots, apricots, spinach, parsley, berries, as well as liver, fish oil, cream, whole milk, butter.

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Vitamin E plays a special role in the first trimester. Its daily dose during this period is 16 mg. One spoon of cold-pressed butter or vegetable oil per day is enough to make up the deficit. Also vitamin E is saturated with greens, milk, eggs, liver and meat.

The list of essential vitamins in pregnancy includes element C. Its daily dose is 80-100 mg, and the use is especially important in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. The vitamin is responsible for the formation of the antiviral substance interferon, and it, in turn, affects the formation of immunity. In large quantities, this vitamin is contained in sweet peppers, parsley, dill, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries, black currants, oranges.

The daily dose of another important vitamin in pregnancy, namely micronutrient D, is 400 IU. It plays a very important role in the 3rd trimester, because it is responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body, providing the prevention of rickets in the child, and also prevents the loss of calcium from the bones.

Peculiarities of taking

Vitamins during pregnancy, as well as during its onset, should be taken strictly in accordance with the doctor’s prescription. He will adjust the daily dose and give the necessary recommendations. Their independent application can bring harm to the body. You should also take into consideration that the peculiarities of taking vitamins in the first and in the second trimester are different from each other.

It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins for all women, especially for those who had difficulties with the previous pregnancy, suffer from avitaminosis or prefer vegetarian food. Before you decide which vitamins to take during pregnancy, it is important to read the instructions of the vitamin complexes and adhere to certain recommendations.

Какие витамины принимать женщине при беременности?

Is it possible to do without vitamin complexes

Vitamin deficiency during pregnancy is a very common phenomenon that affects residents of every region of the country. If you analyze the best medical research, it becomes clear that in most cases, the degree of deficiency depends on the place of residence and the time of year.

As a rule, the list of the most deficient vitamins in pregnancy includes the B group, ascorbic acid, carotenoids. Quite often there is a deficiency of iron, iodine, calcium, zinc, vitamin D.

Very often the reason for the deficiency of these vitamins in pregnancy is that the useful substances do not enter the body with food. You should also consider the abuse of carbohydrates, fatty and fried foods. Such a diet causes the development of functional disorders. Thus assimilation of even the minimum set of useful micronutrients that are contained in the products can cause certain difficulties.

In addition, not all vitamins in pregnancy, you can get with food. Or rather, it can be done, but will have to significantly increase the daily caloric intake of food. Feature of the body is that if he lacks any micronutrients, it is always reflected primarily in the health of women, and then on the baby.

Therefore, it is difficult to do without taking vitamins during pregnancy. Moreover, it is not recommended to do this at all, because it can cause irreparable harm to the body. The best option during the period of pregnancy will be to buy a complete vitamin and mineral complexes, which include good micronutrients, taking into account the required daily dose.

Какие витамины принимать женщине при беременности?

Why is it important to choose preparations with a doctor

What vitamins should be taken during pregnancy? This question can be answered only after taking blood and urine tests. Based on the results, it will be possible to determine the missing groups of vitamins and trace elements. In the initial stages, the symptomatology of deficiency has common manifestations: high fatigue, susceptibility to various diseases, memory deterioration.

A doctor with sufficient experience can suspect a lack of a particular vitamin during pregnancy, even at the stage of conversation with the patient. For example, bleeding gums is associated with a lack of vitamin C, and the cause of frequent colds is a lack of vitamin A. It is the doctor who should prescribe vitamins during pregnancy and select a complex according to individual indicators.

It is necessarily taken into account lifestyle, a history of allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, disorders of vitamin absorption. Therefore, for future moms the best option is to buy a complete package that contains the necessary vitamins, minerals and other essential substances for pregnancy.

Uncontrolled intake of vitamins and minerals can harm your health. When taking vitamins, plays a significant role in their interaction with each other. For example, an excess of the element C can cause a lack of copper. At the same time, not all elements of the B group combine perfectly with C.

Какие витамины принимать женщине при беременности?

Taking calcium is better combined with element D, but you need to exclude iron. In a certain ratio it is recommended to take the following vitamins in pregnancy – magnesium and calcium. With a lack of magnesium, calcium is actively eliminated from the body. This factor is necessarily taken into account by manufacturers of vitamin complexes.

Hypervitaminosis (an overabundance of vitamins as a result of intoxication due to high doses) is also dangerous, as is hypovitaminosis (deficiency of vitamins and minerals). When choosing the best medications, you need to consider medical conditions, composition, balance, and recommended dosages.

Conventionally, all vitamins can be divided into two main groups: fat-soluble and water-soluble. The first category includes the elements A, D, E, F, K – they are accumulated in the body, so when you take them, it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage.

If we are talking about water-soluble elements – B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, PP, C, H and folic acid, their key feature is that they do not accumulate in the body. Therefore, they can be constantly taken with food. When buying several vitamin complexes at once, it is necessary, according to the instructions of the drug, to calculate the amount of vitamins A, D and E, so as not to exceed their daily dose.

It is also recommended to check the labels to make sure that the selected foods contain those substances that are taken separately in the form of capsules or tablets. Choose a good vitamin complexes can only be a competent doctor, it is quite difficult to do it yourself.

Taking vitamins during pregnancy is recommended for every woman. It is necessary not only for her health, but also for the full development of the baby. As a rule, vitamin complexes contain a standard set of minerals and micronutrients: folic acid, magnesium, zinc, iron, B vitamins. All of them play a role and are of great benefit to pregnant women.

It is worth noting that after childbirth you also need to take vitamins. They are divided into two groups: vitamins for breastfeeding mothers and vitamins for non-breastfeeding mothers.

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