What to eat for problems with the intestines and stomach during pregnancy?
Diarrhea, heartburn, constipation and other intestinal problems during pregnancy: what to do?
Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a girl’s life. She is preparing to become a mother. At the ultrasound, she sees her baby for the first time. Then she feels the first stirring. But there may be intestinal problems during pregnancy – some unpleasant surprises: constipation, heartburn and diarrhea. This also applies to those girls who have not had such problems.
Constipation comes in two forms:
Atonic occurs due to a weakening of the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestine. This form is characterized by loss of appetite, apathy, bloating, nausea, heaviness, dull pulling pain, flatulence, weakness and mushy stools.
Spastic develops due to spasm of the intestinal wall. Food moves more slowly through the gastrointestinal tract. This form of constipation is characterized by bloating, aching pain, loss of appetite, and irritability. Stools are hard and difficult to pass.
Products should be selected depending on the type of constipation.
What to eat when pregnant women are constipated?
In the atonic type:
Fiber-rich foods that improve the formation of feces and promote its excretion: bran, rye bread, berries, fruits and vegetables. Beans, spinach, peas and grapes increase the chance of gas. This leads to discomfort and pain.
Dietary fiber is cereals.
A few tablespoons of bran. Beforehand they should be steeped in boiling water.
Water and other drinks. It is better to drink chilled. This will speed up the movements of peristalsis, and shorten the time of emptying.
If spastic:
Puree boiled, grated vegetables.
Vegetable oils (15-30 ml on an empty stomach).
Categorically no food that can cause mechanical irritation. Foods that are rich in fiber, are also prohibited. It may worsen the pain.
What should pregnant women eat if they are constipated?
Dietary meat and fish (boiled, baked or steamed).
Rye and wheat bread (preferably yesterday).
Vegetable soups with meat broth.
Cereal porridges and soups.
Fresh, ripe fruit and dried fruit.
Vegetables: lettuce, carrots, tomato, pumpkin, cauliflower and white cabbage.
Chicken eggs, preferably soft-boiled (no more than 1 per day).
Dairy and fermented milk products.
Limit spicy seasonings.
One of the intestinal problems in pregnancy, which occurs for a number of reasons:
Progesterone relaxes the muscles of the esophagus, so the sphincter between the stomach and esophagus does not close completely. Mass from the stomach enters the esophagus, causing heartburn. The uterus and intra-abdominal pressure also contribute to this.
Gastrointestinal diseases.
Improper nutrition.
What can pregnant women eat to avoid heartburn?
Beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract are:
Dietary meat and poultry.
Dairy and fermented milk products.
Fresh fruits and vegetables.
To relieve symptoms, take milk, kissel, oatmeal, decoctions and infusions of herbs.
Avoid .
It is better to give up fried foods. Exotic fruits can cause an unpredictable reaction. Have an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract:
Coffee and sodas.
Cured meats.
Foods that increase acidity (lemon, etc.).
Too many sweets and baked goods.
Spices and seasonings.
It is better to prevent the problem than to treat it. It is important to pay attention to the freshness and expiration date of products, carefully wash fruits and vegetables, and observe hygiene.
What can pregnant women eat if they have diarrhea?
Croutons or dried bread.
Porridge (except for pearl millet).
Dietary meat and fish, poultry.
No more than 2 eggs daily (preferably hard-boiled, but you can have scrambled eggs).
Water. Strong black tea without sugar, rice or oat broth, compote from dried fruits and mineral water without gas are also possible.
It is better to eat food at room temperature.
Eliminate .
These foods will make the situation worse:
Citrus fruits and sour berries.
Chocolate and confectionery.
Fatty meat and fish (including rich broths).
Black bread.
Fried, spicy, peppered, very salty foods, and canned foods.
Milk and cream.
Preventing intestinal problems during pregnancy
It is important to remember that medications during pregnancy are not desirable. To avoid intestinal problems during pregnancy, you need to follow a number of rules:
Healthy sleep. In sleep, the body rests and gains strength.
Proper healthy diet. It is necessary to eat often, but in small portions.
Physical activity. This can be walking or doing yoga. They will not only harm, but also improve the condition of the pregnant woman and prepare her for childbirth.
Avoid excessive worry, worry and stress.
At momslab.com there is even more information about self-training, nutrition and everything that pregnant girls might be worried about. The site was created for do-it-yourself classes at home. Specialists in obstetrics and gynecology, pharmacology and dietetics are on call 24/7. The site also has a blog and chat room. The author is mom of two children, Ksenia Vlasova. Her Instagram account also has many useful posts.