Many people are interested in the answer to the question of whether fruit is allowed after childbirth. Our answer is yes. And while breastfeeding – yes. Fruit is a healthy source of vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for pregnant and nursing women. And not only her, but also the father, because the taste preferences of parents form the taste preferences of the child: either he will reach for candy and sodas, or to healthy fruits and vegetables – for now, the choice is yours.

Quantity or quality?

If you are still worried about what fruit is allowed after childbirth, the example of the practice of WHO and international organizations – they do not prohibit any food during pregnancy and lactation.

There are, of course, various restrictions, but for the most part they are far-fetched and invented. The exception may be an individual intolerance of certain fruits, but it has nothing to do with pregnancy. Although, pregnancy can affect some factors: for example, the timing of consumption of fruit and their combinations. Surely you know the stories about a pregnant wife sending her husband to the store at night in the winter to buy strawberries. Let’s see even on the example of this situation: in wintertime strawberries, most likely, have doubtful quality, and at night the body should sleep, but not eat, because all inner processes are slowed down, and after eating a pound of strawberries or even one banana, you will understand that they are a heavy load in your stomach.

So you can eat everything, but in moderation, choosing good quality products and only those that you really want.

The first fruit after childbirth – what?

We can give a general recommendation for all food, not excluding fruit after childbirth – the food must be familiar. That is, fruits and vegetables must grow in your area, be characteristic of the current season, and you should have tried them once to make sure that it will not cause allergic or other reactions of the body.

Фруктам - да

Can I eat apples after giving birth? Yes, for our country, the optimal choice of the first fruits to introduce into the diet of a woman who gave birth is just the light varieties of apples in baked form.

But can I eat a pear after childbirth? Yes, this fruit perfectly cleanses the intestines, quenches thirst. But first, remove the skin from the fruit and subject it to heat treatment. Bananas after childbirth can be eaten, but only if you have no individual contraindications. In addition, you should remember that it somewhat binds the intestines, and can provoke constipation, which will already bother the young mother.

But what kind of fruit can be after a cesarean – this question is not particularly different. Eat all the same familiar seasonal fruit, the main point here – to reduce the likelihood of fermentation and congestion in the stomach and intestines.

Down with red and orange?

This is also one of the myths and remnants of the past. Red and orange fruit is unlikely to cause diathesis in the baby through the mother’s milk. But if you have a direct allergy to citrus or berries, then they should definitely be excluded.

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How much and in what form?

How much and what kind of fruit can a woman eat after childbirth? To provide vitamins is to eat at least 200-300 grams of fruit per day. The excess of this amount in the first months of life is not recommended. New fruit in the diet of the mother should be introduced gradually, as it will be in the future with complementary foods:

  • Try the new product in a small amount in the first half of the day and observe the child;
  • In the absence of adverse reactions – rash or increased gas – the next day, increase the dose to half a portion;
  • On the third day, you can eat a full daily portion;
  • The next day you can introduce a new fruit.

Trying several fruits at the same time during the introduction is not necessary – it will be harder to understand what the child reacted.

Фруктам - да

Bake, boil, squeeze, blend

The safest way to eat fruit – in baked or boiled form, it is worth to give it a preference in the first weeks after birth. Next – listen to your body and watch the body of the baby.

Juices can be a valuable source of vitamins and a pleasant variety for the mother. He normalizes the peristalsis of the intestine, helps to organize digestion. But it must be freshly squeezed juices, no way store-brand, from seasonal fruit. For best effect and safety of consumption, it is recommended to dilute them with water 1:1. Each juice is useful in its own way:

  • apple juice is rich in iron and iodine;
  • pear – a source of pectin and folic acid, but sometimes provokes colic in the baby – choose a variety or temporarily limit it;
  • peach is a natural antidepressant, tones up, and enriches the intestines with dietary fiber;
  • apricot contains beta-carotene, which promotes immunity
  • Plum is effective for constipation in both mom and baby.

Be careful to drink “bright” and acidic juices, for example, from pomegranate, cherries – an aggressive acidic environment can have a negative impact on the weakened during pregnancy tooth enamel.

Smoothies, as well as juices, will be a great help to a nursing mother to lose weight after childbirth and saturate the body with vitamins. The requirements and limitations are the same.

What is better to refrain from

A categorical ban only on what is contraindicated not only for women in labor and nursing mothers, but also in other situations:

  • Fruit that causes discomfort in the intestines;
  • Treated with toxic fertilizers and special substances for long-term storage;
  • violation of the diet in intestinal infections;
  • pronounced allergic reactions.

With caution it is recommended to consume:

  • pomegranate, persimmon – it is better to introduce them into the diet not earlier than 2-3 months of the baby’s life;
  • Kiwis, pineapples, avocados and other exotics – it is worth waiting 4-5 months for the baby’s intestines to get stronger for sure;
  • citrus fruits – can be a strong allergen, you need to carefully monitor the reaction (start with a slice of lemon in your tea);
  • Grapes – provoke a lot of gas, especially freshly picked grapes.

If in doubt about whether a mother can eat a banana, pomegranate, kiwi, plums, grapes or any other fruit after childbirth, you can always consult the competent experts of our project. We will help you find a sense of proportion between benefit, pleasure and safety.

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