Sex determination by heartbeat is still used in medicine and has a sufficient number of supporters. And this is despite the fact that today there are modern methods that accurately determine the sex of the future baby, which is in the womb, and at the current level of medicine women do not need to puzzle over how to determine the sex of the child by heartbeat to find out who is in their belly – a daughter or a son. After all, sometimes as early as 12 weeks

Ultrasound can give a definitive answer to this question. But sometimes, impatient parents do not have the stamina to wait until that moment, when they can find out who they will be given by fate – a boy or a girl. Or the baby, as if on purpose, turns his back to the sensor. It is in these situations and resorted to establishing the sex of the child by heartbeat.

The sex of the child by heartbeat – what opportunities exist for determining

When does the embryo and fetal heartbeat begin?

First of all, it is worth remembering that the developing baby up to 10 weeks – it is an embryo, and after this period of pregnancy – is a fetus. As soon as an embryo appears in the fetal egg, its heartbeat starts immediately. When you examine it at the 5th week of pregnancy, when the fetal egg is 10.0 mm, the embryo is about 1.7 mm in size. In such an embryo, heartbeats are recorded visually, that is, visually. In the report that the doctor makes, a note is made that the embryo’s heartbeat is “+” (plus) – it exists.

From the 6th week of pregnancy the heartbeat is already visible and it is possible to measure the heart rate of the embryo. Usually the rhythm and beats per minute are to be evaluated. From week 6 to 10 of pregnancy, the normal heart rate is 110 to 150 beats per minute and from week 10, the normal rate is considered to be 160 to 170 beats per minute.

The sex of the child by heartbeat – what opportunities exist for determining

Relationship of the sex of the baby and heart rate

There is a definite difference in the cardiological parameters in the male and female sex, on which the method of determining the sex of the child by fetal heartbeat is based:

  • Heart rhythm characteristics. The future woman is characterized by a chaotic heart rhythm, as the female heart is more sensitive to various changes in external factors. The heart of the future man beats more evenly and smoothly, as the stronger sex is less susceptible to external stimuli. In addition, girls have muffled tones of contractions, while boys have a fairly loud heartbeat. Perhaps nature intended the male heart to be more powerful than the female heart.
  • Relationship to the maternal heartbeat. The sex of the child by the frequency of the heartbeat is determined by the fact that the heart of the future boy is contracting with the same rhythm and in unison with the mother’s pulse, the girl’s heartbeat is not in such relationship with the heart of the mother.
The sex of the child by heartbeat – what opportunities exist for determining

What else is taken into consideration when determining the sex

When determining the sex of the child by heartbeat, other factors associated with the contraction of the heart muscle of the future baby are also taken into account. Observations and statistics with a high degree of probability suggest that it is possible to determine who will be born to a particular woman by establishing:

  • Placing a heartbeat in a woman’s abdomen. If the doctor registers heartbeats on the left, then most likely you should prepare for the birth of a boy, in the case when they are located on the right – with the probability a woman will become the mother of a girl.
  • Based on the pulse count – heart rate. It is generally accepted that the heart rate of boys is more quiet – 120-140 beats. Girls are characterized by more rapid heartbeats – 140-160 beats per minute.

What are the norms of fetal heart rates

In order to try to determine the sex of the child by heart rate, it is necessary to know what are the current norms of heartbeats, depending on the term of pregnancy, calculated in beats per minute. It has been established that up to a certain point, and more precisely until the 9th week, the embryo’s heart rate gradually accelerates. After pregnancy has reached this term, the pulse of the unborn child decreases gradually and remains at approximately the same level in the second and third trimesters.

The dependence of fetal heart rate (in beats per minute) on gestational age (in weeks) is as follows:

  • early 5 – 80-85;
  • 5 – 80-103;
  • 6 – 103-126;
  • 7 – 126-149;
  • 8 – 149-172;
  • 9 – 155-195;
  • 10 – 161-179;
  • 11 – 153-177;
  • 12 – 150-174;
  • 13 – 147-171;
  • 14 – 146-168.

By the second trimester, the fetal heart rate is established at 140-160 beats per minute and is maintained until the end of the third trimester.

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What increases the likelihood of a correct determination

To make a correct prediction of the sex of the baby by heartbeat, the doctor will allow the combination of several techniques. It is possible to determine the heart rate using a variety of methods. For example,

Using a stethoscope – manually on the term after 20 weeks. To do this, the doctor needs to have a sharp and sensitive hearing, a certain experience. It is also possible to listen to the heartbeat even in the early terms during an ordinary ultrasound.

A Doppler will help in determining the sex of the baby by heartbeat. This device is usually used after the 15th week and is a miniature ultrasound machine. It will not only allow you to listen well to the fetal heartbeat, but also to assess the condition of the vessels of the umbilical cord. Cardiotocography is also possible in the third trimester. The procedure evaluates not only the fetal heartbeat, but also its motor activity, the frequency of uterine contractions, and the baby’s response to them.

Reliability of the method

Women who for some reason do not want to use other methods of determining the sex of the future child, choose this method on the basis of its harmlessness to the body and proven time. However, the method of determining the sex of the child by heartbeat is doubted and criticized by representatives of official medicine as unreliable and depends on a large number of factors affecting the result.

It is also criticized by the women who tried to determine the sex of the child by the fetal heartbeat during pregnancy, who tested the method on themselves and received the results, which later turned out to be incorrect. In part, criticisms have real grounds, since medical science says that the characteristics of the heart of a child in the womb depends on many factors. And, therefore, it is very difficult to accurately determine the sex of the child by the heartbeat.

What affects the heartbeat and the result of the determination

Characteristics of the work of the heart of the future baby in the womb depends, and the reliability of determining the sex of the child by heartbeat is influenced by many factors. One of the main ones is the gestational age. At different stages of pregnancy, the baby’s heart beats in different modes.

Thus, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s heart, both girls and boys, beats quietly, slowly and rhythmically. The number of beats per minute does not exceed 100. From week 18 onward, the heartbeats of boys increase to 150 beats per minute and those of girls to 140 beats per minute. In addition, the fetal heartbeat also affects the determination of the sex of the baby:

  • The baby’s sleeping or waking state;
  • uterine muscle tone;
  • peculiarities of the baby’s heart development;
  • The mother’s emotional and physical state, and her position during the fetal heartbeat;
  • placement of the baby in the uterine cavity.
The sex of the child by heartbeat – what opportunities exist for determining

Modern methods of determining the sex of the baby

Modern medicine is very skeptical about determining the sex of the baby by heartbeat, considers it extremely unreliable, and the positive results obtained in this way – a simple coincidence. In contrast to the method determining the sex of the child by heartbeat to get a really reliable results of the fetal heartbeat and determine the sex of the child allows, for example, ultrasound. This method seldom produces erroneous results and failures – its accuracy is up to 97%.

In contrast to trying to determine the sex of the child by heartbeat, and even along with a high-precision ultrasound, one hundred percent certainty determine the sex of the unborn child by invasive diagnostics, which is prescribed by the doctor for certain indications. Chorionic biopsy, where a sample of cells is taken from the placenta, and amniotic fluid analysis is performed only when there is a risk of serious illnesses that depend on the sex of the baby.

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