Women who are expecting a baby need to pay special attention to the food and drinks they eat and drink. Even regular tea has many nuances. Not all kinds of tea are suitable for expectant mothers, and it is important to know which drinks are contraindicated.
During pregnancy, many women have a logical question: what foods are acceptable. This question also affects whether it is possible to drink tea during pregnancy. It plays a role, not only what drink to drink for expectant mothers, but also in what amount and when. This article focuses on all of the most important information about this issue, including what teas are allowed when pregnant.
What teas are allowed during pregnancy
Those women who like to drink black tea should consider the presence of caffeine in this drink. For pregnant women, the norm of this substance is 200-300 mg per day. If, after all, it is impossible to resist, then you should prefer not to drink “strong” drinks.

The same rule should be observed for those who like to drink green tea during pregnancy, as well as white, yellow, oolong and Puer. These types also contain caffeine, but in slightly smaller amounts. The doctors’ general recommendation is that you should not drink more than three cups a day.
Caffeine easily passes through the placenta, and it is difficult for the immature baby’s liver to break it down. The amount of caffeine that is considered safe for a baby is very likely to have side effects for the baby.
It is considered optimal to drink herbal tea during pregnancy. Because it is naturally based, it has a minimum of side effects. But here, too, you should be careful. Some herbal infusions are contraindicated to drink in the early terms, some in the third trimester.
Herbal teas
If you can not completely give up tea during pregnancy, you should pay attention to other kinds of drinks. The safest are considered to be raspberries, kartade and anchovies, because they have a plant basis. But pregnant women should be cautious about herbal leaf teas. Even the safest plants can cause harm to the baby. But if you follow certain rules, the negative effects can be avoided.

Herbal tea during pregnancy has many beneficial properties:
- Herbs are a natural source of vitamins, in which there are no chemical impurities;
- blood pressure is not negatively affected;
- beneficial effects on the functioning of the body;
- Anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.
Green tea
Most doctors confirm that green tea during pregnancy is allowed. This drink is distinguished by taking away thirst, saturates the body with useful vitamins and elements. It is also suitable for improving the functioning of the nervous system, the restoration of metabolism and the removal of accumulated toxins. But care must be taken: this drink slows down the absorption of folic acid in the blood.
Green tea during pregnancy should be drunk 30 minutes after meals and no more than two cups a day. To preserve the maximum amount of valuable substances in the drink, the leaves should be brewed with hot water.
Black tea
Black tea during pregnancy is optimal for eliminating toxins from the body and improving the functioning of the brain. Such a drink is the perfect prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.
But because of the presence of caffeine, it should be used with caution. The best option is to consult a doctor beforehand. To slightly reduce the effects of caffeine on the body, it is possible to add slices of lemon, milk or honey to the drink.
Ivan tea
Mullein tea during pregnancy is particularly useful. It is rich in various vitamins and trace elements that support the normal functioning of the whole body. A separate advantage is the lack of caffeine. For Ivan-tea is characterized by a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic and sedative effect.
Such a drink makes it possible to reduce the risk of anemia, and also increases the hemoglobin in the blood. The recipe is very simple: 1-2 teaspoons of dry raw materials poured into a cup and pour 400 ml of hot water. The drink should infuse a little. Pregnant women are allowed to drink two cups a day for no more than a month. Then it is necessary to take a break.
On raspberries
The most useful tea in pregnancy is from the leaves of raspberries. Such an infusion helps to prevent a number of complications during pregnancy:
- Preeclampsia – the development of arterial hypertension in the 2nd trimester;
- premature labor;
- postpartum hemorrhage;
- too early or too late childbirth.
Raspberry leaf additionally helps reduce the duration of labor and the likelihood of surgical intervention.
With peppermint.
For many pregnant women during toxicosis, a mint infusion becomes a real salvation. Due to the fresh cool aroma, the symptoms of the ailment are greatly relieved or disappear completely. But such a drink is not recommended in the early terms.
With ginger and chamomile
If you drink tea with ginger root, you can also reduce the symptoms of toxicity. So, it removes nausea and vomiting. Infusion with the addition of ginger can cope with frequent constipation. But such a drink should be used with caution in the presence of stomach problems.

Chamomile tea during pregnancy is also ideal for women who suffer from toxicosis. Moreover, it has a positive effect on the nervous system. With its help, you can get rid of intestinal cramps, constipation and flatulence. The drink has a bactericidal and analgesic effect. No more than one cup is allowed per day.
Hibiscus or Carcade
Carcade should be drunk because of its high amount of ascorbic acid. It is optimal for consumption for colds. Moreover, it is an excellent option for normalizing blood pressure.
Infusion of dandelion is best to drink in the 3rd trimester. It is ideal for eliminating excess fluid from the body. The flowers have a slightly bitter taste, so ideally you should also add other components to the drink.
From sea buckthorn.
At the heart of the plant contains folic acid. It is this component that keeps the fetus from possible malformations. Also, sea buckthorn contains vitamins A and C, which help to increase the body’s defenses. This infusion should also be drunk to protect against various infections. A large amount of vitamin E is present – it reduces the risk of miscarriage.
What kinds should be abandoned
A separate question in many women, expecting the appearance of a child, is what teas should not be drunk during pregnancy. Many doctors agree that it is better to refuse to drink drinks that contain the following plants:
- vervain;
- borage;
- fenugreek;
- thyme;
- licorice;
- motherwort;
- ginseng;
- celandine.
These plants are characterized by abortive properties. Moreover, they can harm the health of the child: the risk of developing intrauterine defects, delayed development.

Certain infusions are not recommended for use in the early term. Among the most dangerous are considered to be nettle, chamomile. The risk is associated with the possibility of causing bleeding. You should also avoid plants with diuretic and colon cleansing effect. Because of them, the body can be dehydrated.
Experts do not recommend to drink only one kind of tea during pregnancy. Because of this, addiction and adverse reactions may occur. Before brewing herbal gatherings, it is necessary to be sure to study the plants that are included in the composition.
Norms and recommendations
Doctors advise to drink no more than one cup of any not strong tea per day. It is also necessary to be guided by the type of drink and the general well-being of the pregnant woman.
Before taking any drink, even in the 3rd trimester, a pregnant woman should consult her doctor. You should keep in mind that some plants can have a very powerful effect on the body. Even in moderate amounts or in case of overdose, there is a risk of undesirable reactions.

Herbal infusions, like any medication, must be used in dosage. Some plants may contain a number of substances, such as caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, which have a stimulating effect. Another side effect of taking such teas during pregnancy is increased urine production and heart palpitations.
Proper brewing
All the useful properties of herbal tea are preserved only if you brew it with water whose temperature does not exceed 70 degrees. Black tea may be brewed only once, green and white tea may be brewed several times.
If the drink is prepared on a berry basis, then first of all a careful crushing of berries is required. It is not necessary to boil berries, as this will deprive them of all their useful properties. To make the taste more pleasant, it is allowed to add a small amount of honey.
Green tea in pregnancy after brewing should be almost colorless. His brew it more than two minutes, then it can have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman.
To prepare a proper mint infusion, per mug is allowed to use no more than 4-5 leaves of mint. They need to pour boiling water and let stand a little, but no more than two minutes. In the early terms of drinking such a drink is required with extreme caution, as in the mint leaves there is a large amount of essential oils.
To prepare a ginger infusion, stick to the following scheme: brew the drink and then add to it a few grams of grated ginger root or ½ teaspoon of ginger powder. It is allowed to add lemon, honey or milk to the tea during pregnancy.
Most of the plants that are part of the herbal infusions have many beneficial properties. They have a positive impact on the body of a pregnant woman. But you need to consider what kind of tea during pregnancy is allowed and what kind is contraindicated.

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