Birch pose in yoga
The Birch pose has been familiar to all of us since childhood. It used to be just fun, but today we know that it’s also useful! In yoga practice, Sarvangasana is considered one of the foundational poses:
– relieves emotional stress;
– gives you mental clarity;
– develops balance and overall body tone.
In this article, we will look at how to perform the pose during pregnancy in the first trimester.
Benefits of Sarvangasana
When performed correctly and connecting the breathing techniques, a woman during pregnancy feels the effect already after a few seconds. Feelings improve, and accumulated tension and irritation go away.
It is impossible to single out the effect of the pose on any part of the body, as Sarvangasana affects the whole body at once. The translation of the name in Russian sounds like “pose on all parts of the body. Specifically, the benefits of Sarvangasana include:
– improved heart function;
– better blood circulation;
– oxygenation of the lungs;
– normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.
The pose is indicated for respiratory disorders and partially helps fight bronchitis and asthma. Specifically for pregnant women, it is an excellent tool for preventing colds and anemia.
Birch pose for pregnant women also relieves headaches. It is recommended to practice it in the evening before going to bed to improve sleep and clear the mind of negative thoughts.

Sarvangasana and technique
When performing the Sarvangasana technique, it is extremely important to understand how to distribute the weight in order to avoid injury.
Important: do not put much weight on your neck and head, try to put the weight on your shoulders and arms, which support your back.
So, in order to do asana:
- Stretch out on the mat and make sure that the body is in a straight position.
- Start lifting your straight legs to a position perpendicular to the floor.
- Gradually move your pelvis and then your lower back away from the mat.
- Place your palms below your lower back – your arms are bent at the elbows and help you keep your balance. If your body allows – try to “rise” higher, gradually holding your back with your hands.
It is recommended to stay in the pose for a longer time, but only for a comfortable time. If there are no problems with pressure, then the pose can be finished by first putting the legs further behind the head, “directing” the blood even more to the heart and head.
Then gently come out of the pose – don’t “fall,” don’t let yourself go abruptly. When lowering to the floor, you can bend your legs.
Do not stand up sharply after the pose, spend at least some time in Shavasana pose. Relax, stretch out your arms and legs, slightly spreading them apart. At this time we restore the circulation of the already “new” enriched blood through the limbs.
How to perform the pose correctly we show in detail in the video tutorials “MomsLab”.

Sarvangasana and mistakes of performance
People tend to get the most out of yoga. Sometimes it seems that the maximum load gives more results, but this is not the case. We’ve already focused on the main mistake – excessive load on the neck and head, but pay attention to the other risks:
– Treating yoga like a sport. Faster, sharper, stronger – that’s about anything but yoga! Too drastic in and out of a pose is bad for the body, especially for the unprepared.
– Going into a pose when you’re afraid. If you’re afraid, it’s better not to do it at all or ask someone close to you to “back it up” at first. Make sure that the surface underneath you is soft – use pillows, blankets and plaids.
– Go against your body. If the asana is not yet coming out perfectly, don’t try to “pull” yourself by force. Any discomfort, pain and suffering is an excuse to ease into the pose or stop doing it altogether.
Birch pose in yoga should feel comfortable and even pleasant. At least so that you feel comfortable staying in it for 30 seconds to a minute.

Sarvangasana during pregnancy
The following ways will help adapt Birch pose for pregnant women: reduce the load on the abs and back muscles.
Leaning on the wall
How to perform:
– Lie on your side perpendicular to the wall, press your legs against your body.
– Roll over on your back and now stretch your legs up, leaning on the wall. Hold your pelvis and lower back with your hands, and rest your elbows on the floor.
– You can leave your feet on the wall, or you can try to take a straight position on your own. If necessary, return the legs to the wall.
Providing support for the neck
This technique is especially relevant if during the pose you feel a strong pressure on the chest, there is suffocation and coughing.
In this case you can take a rolled up blanket – it will serve as a support for the shoulders and elbows, “open” the space for the neck and facilitate breathing. The height of such a “support” is about 5 cm.

The chair as a support for the pelvis
If you feel that it is difficult to keep the balance or have extra weight, then take a stable chair. Lean the back against the wall, and on the edge of the seat, if necessary, lay something soft. Then the pressure on the lower back will not be so strong.
How to do Beryozka with a chair:
– Sit on the chair facing the wall.
– Holding on to the chair, start gently lowering your back back. Bend your knees in front of you – you can grab the back of the chair with them.
– Once your shoulders reach soft support on the floor, start gently straightening your legs up. Place your feet on the wall.
Do several breathing cycles in this position. If you are afraid of falling, ask another person to assist and hold the chair.

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