
Rest for nursing mothers

Spa treatments for breastfeeding mothers

Maternity brings with it many specific pleasures, but this is no reason to forget about the simple pleasures of womanhood. Shopping, going to the beauty salon, going to a cafe, hanging out with friends – all this lifts your spirits and gives vitality.

Spa treatments for moms: which ones to choose?

Visits to a spa are allowed after childbirth, including for breastfeeding mothers. Among the allowed and safest procedures are classic massages, massage with stones, peeling, oil wraps. These services can be booked safely, as soon as the mother feels the desire to relax.

It is important to note that it is better to wait 1-2 months after the birth, so that the organs took their position and manipulations do not lead to their displacement.

New moms are allowed to have a sauna and other similar procedures. The only nuance – you need to carefully monitor your well-being and avoid overheating.

Young nursing mothers have a peculiar rhythm of life. Often the postpartum period is associated with the exacerbation of old diseases and the emergence of new ones. Therefore, the list of undesirable procedures includes not only dangerous to health manipulations, but also simply unpleasant and painful. Excessive stress to a nursing mother is not good.

For the same reason, it is not recommended after childbirth to make injection and laser procedures, as well as all variations with the use of current, ultraviolet, anti-cellulite massage and painful types of epilations.

There is always an alternative to not recommended procedures. Thus, masks, wraps, light massages, ultrasonic cleaning, and care cosmetics will be useful for the skin.

Myostimulation – muscle electric shocks – is better replaced by full-fledged physical exercises. Choose the right program will help professionals online course. So the muscles will get the load they need and will recover faster.

Home spa treatments for moms

The easiest procedure that not only can, but must be done after childbirth is a hydro massage. It is done with the help of a jet from the shower head. The water pressure and the distance to the body can be adjusted as desired.

The breast massage stimulates lactation, while the treatment of the legs, thighs and buttocks improves blood circulation in this area, relieves fatigue and prevents swelling.

After finishing the lochs, you can enjoy a warm bath with sea salt and other pleasant fillings. It is important to remember that too hot a bath can provoke bleeding and high blood pressure. Also, it is not recommended to take a bath for too long – 10 minutes is enough.

To relax without distracting from household chores, a foot bath will help. For flavor and aroma in the water is added essential oils and herbal decoctions.

While her feet are steaming, my mother has the opportunity to rock and feed the baby, do crafts, fumble with anything. Doing a bath in your spare time, you can watch your favorite movie or apply masks to other parts of the body.

There are many options for homemade masks and scrubs. They can make their own or buy commercially available in specialty stores. For any problem there is a recipe.

Find time to relax every mother should, because she like no one else needs to relax. Raising a child is hard work that takes strength and energy. The psychologist of the online course will tell you how not to forget to take care of yourself and not to feel guilty about letting yourself relax instead of doing some housework and communicating with your child.

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