Can I do yoga during pregnancy?

It is proven that prenatal exercise for a healthy woman is good for pregnancy. In particular, yoga is one of the gentle and effective ways.

After all, no matter what stage of pregnancy you plug in the classes, they:

– help the intrauterine formation of the baby, because the mother’s body aligns the hormonal background;

– make a mother’s body stronger and more enduring, which helps to cope with the stress of pregnancy;

– “teach” the body to cope with stress and prepare for the birthing process itself, because yoga includes a comprehensive impact.

As you can see, yoga for pregnant women meets all the health goals of a pregnant woman. That’s why at MomsLab online classes we provide clear explanations of how to perform the exercises in each trimester of pregnancy.

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Yoga for pregnant women and its psychological impact

For an expectant mother, one of the most important factors is psychological peace of mind. Fear comes in a variety of forms:

– Fear of irregularities in the course of pregnancy;

– anxiety about the process and outcome of childbirth;

– anxiety for their skills as mothers in the subsequent care of the baby.

Every second the noise of information presses a woman harder and harder to make sense of the flood of information. That’s why the main advantage of yoga is to teach mindfulness.

Especially helpful in this breathing exercises. They not only train the technique of correct breathing in childbirth, but long before that bring tangible benefits for the body.

The ability to concentrate, not to panic, to separate imaginary fears from real threats – all this can be achieved through both physical and psychological practices. Yoga for pregnant women helps to accumulate psychological energy as well as stabilize the internal organs.

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Perinatal Yoga – adapting the practice to the condition

To begin with, it is definitely worthwhile to consult with a doctor. This is worth doing in order to know the possible contraindications and to adapt the practice to health indicators. Secondly, it is important to listen carefully to the coach’s explanations of how to perform asanas:

– start with simple poses – because even those that seem uncomplicated will still bring invaluable benefits;

– do not “overdo” the postures to the maximum, but stay in them until they are comfortable, so as not to aggravate possible malaise;

– In the second and third trimesters, we minimize the performance of asanas on the back.

Prenatal yoga: first trimester

After learning about pregnancy, expectant mothers can focus on learning how to relieve tension. To do this, learn to do breathing exercises, as well as consciously tense and relax muscles.

It’s worthwhile to include asanas in your workouts that:

– stimulate blood circulation;

– improve pelvic floor muscles;

– Open the chest and allow you to breathe freely.

At this stage, yoga will help to cope with digestive problems, to cope with lower abdominal discomfort, to reduce toxicosis and headaches. At online classes we help moms to strengthen their back muscles and prepare them for future strain.

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Important! Avoid asanas, where the abdomen is loaded: twisting, squeezing, sharp turns, lying on the stomach.

Prenatal Yoga : second trimester

During the second trimester we focus even more on the pelvic floor muscles and mobility of the hip joints. We reduce the duration and the intensity of the exercises and we focus more on relaxation asanas.

This is a perfect time, when the toxicosis has already receded, and the body has gradually adapted to the state of pregnancy, but the belly is not yet so big. At this time we exclude all the exercises that we refused in the first trimester. Be very careful with the pranayama practice – try not to do breathing exercises with a long breath hold.

Choose asanas that:

– In addition will enrich the fetus with oxygen;

– help you put the right breathing technique;

– Relieve the first signs of tension in the back and neck;

– can serve as a prophylactic for varicose veins.

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Prenatal yoga: third trimester

The third trimester no longer allows us to perform some asanas. Nevertheless, this is the most responsible time, as the final preparation of the body of the mother for childbirth.

Additionally, you should not perform asanas where you have to lie on your back for a long time. Especially, if there is a fear of squeezing the inferior vena cava.

Avoid asymmetric positions, in order not to provoke or deepen a possible symphysitis. “Standing” asanas should always be carried out with support or by asking help from relatives.

It is a good idea to have items that will facilitate the asanas or make them more comfortable: yoga bolsters, special blocks, blankets or simple pillows.

During this period, even simple exercises will help to improve your sleep, as they take the load off the overstretched parts of the body, as well as strengthen the muscles.

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Yoga for pregnant women – how to prepare at home?

Yoga for pregnant women is safe if you observe the special conditions for the class. Make sure that the room where you practice has enough air. Moreover, make sure that there is enough space around and your feet do not slip on the floor. Lay a special yoga mat. Clothing should be made of natural fabrics and moderately loose. This way you will not get tangled, but also do not feel a feeling of constriction.

Practical recommendations

Exercise is only half the success in preparation for childbirth. For example, on the online program, we combine exercises with:

1) breathing techniques;

2) meditative practices;

as well as a specially tailored nutrition plan.

As a conclusion, remember a few simple rules that will make the practice easier:

– get enough sleep;

– Exercise at least two hours after a solid meal;

– do not tolerate pain or discomfort while exercising;

– Use auxiliary equipment, such as yoga blocks and pillows, to lighten the load during the asanas.

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