Papaverine is a drug that is prescribed to women during pregnancy to reduce uterine tone. It is very important for expectant mothers to know as much as possible about this drug: action, contraindications, nuances of admission.

Papaverine during pregnancy is the best way out, if a woman feels abdominal pain of unclear origin. In this case, the first thing to think about is a threatening condition for the fetus. Before a miscarriage in this case is still far away, but a number of urgent actions should be taken.

Папаверин при беременности

Is it allowed in pregnancy

This drug is included in the list of a few approved drugs, the reception of which is acceptable for pregnant women. The main action of Papaverine in pregnancy is aimed at:

  • normalize the heart rhythm;
  • Reduce blood pressure if it rises sharply;
  • reduce muscle tone;
  • Relax the musculature of the internal organs.

The form of taking Papaverine during pregnancy can be different. Most often, the form of candles is used. The remedy is optimal for uterine tone to be quickly and effectively restored. In the early term, because of this, a miscarriage can occur, and in the late term premature labor.

The muscles of the uterus cannot relax on their own, because the fetus is constantly stretching its walls. Because of this, the uterus is in a lot of tension. Strong stress, as well as being on your feet for a long time, leads to uterine hypertonicity.

Appointment of papaverine

Many expectant mothers wonder why papaverine is prescribed during pregnancy. There are several main indications for taking this remedy:

  • Threat of miscarriage due to high uterine tone. An antispasmodic drug has an urgent action. As a rule, for this purpose, the medicine is prescribed at an early term;
  • Improvement of blood circulation. Given that the drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the vessels, the blood pressure becomes significantly lower. Because of this, blood transport to all organs improves, both for the woman and the baby;
  • Elevated body temperature – the drug is taken as part of a lytic mixture;
  • In the complex therapy of diseases of the kidneys and heart. The drug itself will not get rid of serious problems. But if you strengthen the therapy with other necessary remedies, the proper action will be rendered. It helps with renal colic, mild serious insufficiency, arterial hypertension.

It should also be taken into account that uterine hypertonicity interferes with the normal functioning of the placenta. Because of this, it can detach or lead to deformation of the blood vessels that feed the fetus. To improve the situation with uterine tone and relieve spasms, papaverine suppositories are most often prescribed.

The spasm drug reduces pressure, improves blood flow, relaxes the uterine muscles, and has a positive effect on the fetus. If an increased dose of the drug is prescribed, the calming effect of the central nervous system becomes additionally noticeable, and the rhythm of the heart muscle is reduced.

Папаверин при беременности

In addition to the above-mentioned reasons, in early pregnancy Papaverine is also prescribed in the case of diagnoses: cholecystitis, hemorrhoids, endarteritis, spastic colitis.

Action of the drug

During pregnancy, Papaverine in relation to the fetus is completely safe, since the drug does not penetrate the placental barrier. The action of the drug in very many aspects depends on the terms on which to take it.

In the first trimester, it is recommended to take Papaverine suppositories, if the initial stage of pregnancy has been detected Because of this, the uterine tone increases. In the second trimester, the indications for the prescription of the medicine are intrauterine pain and high blood pressure. At this stage, the drug acts as part of complex therapy with magnesium preparations.

Папаверин при беременности

In the third trimester, women have excessive tension of the uterine walls, as well as abdominal hardness. To eliminate this effect, Papaverine during pregnancy is taken in the form of suppositories and injections. During childbirth, the medication can alleviate spasmodic pain from contractions. If the dosage of the suppositories is observed, there will be no harm.

Contraindications to administration

The drug Papaverine in early pregnancy is considered safe for both the woman and her unborn child. This is especially important in the first trimester, when the list of acceptable medications is very limited. Also, like any medication, there are certain limitations to its use.

Папаверин при беременности

First of all, they are related to the direct effect of the drug. So, the drug relieves the tone of the smooth muscles, and they are not only in the uterus. It can be the tone of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, blood vessels. All these factors of a woman’s condition are taken into account by the doctor when prescribing the medicine.

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Taking Papaverine tablets during pregnancy has several contraindications:

  • low blood pressure;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • High eye pressure, including glaucoma and other visual disorders;
  • Acute renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • malfunctions in the hormonal system;
  • tachycardia;
  • individual intolerance;
  • Individual allergic reactions.
Папаверин при беременности

There are also a number of situations when Papaverine injections and rectal suppositories are contraindicated: problems with the thyroid, liver, kidneys and adrenal glands, tachycardia, rectal diseases, glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure, bronchial malfunction, intracardiac conduction disorders.

Side effects

Among the main side effects from Papaverine during pregnancy in the early terms are: allergic reactions, constipation, decreased blood pressure, atrio-ventricular blockade, abdominal bloating, nausea, increased activity of liver enzymes, disruption of food movement through the esophagus. If increased doses of the drug are taken, drowsiness, nausea, increased sweating, dizziness are manifested.

Папаверин при беременности

If Papaverine is administered too quickly through an IV, there is a disturbance of the heart rhythm. You can detect an overdose due to double vision, severe weakness, increased fatigue. In this case, detoxifying symptomatic therapy is also additionally carried out.

Папаверин при беременности

If Papaverine tablets are used during pregnancy, it is also possible that certain side effects occur. As a rule, this is associated with exceeding the recommended dosage. Therefore, it is allowed to take the drug only when receiving a proper prescription from the attending physician. Especially if it is planned to receive in the early stages of pregnancy.

Taking Papaverine

Different forms of the drug are used for different cases. Each depends on the convenience and indications for use:

  1. Tablets. One of the simplest and most accessible forms to use. Most of the active substance is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, so the effect of taking the tablets is quite weak. The drug also quickly leaves the body, so in the early terms it is recommended to take up to 4 times a day.
  2. Candles. This form is ideal for pregnancy. It is enough to take one suppository vaginally or in the rectum to increase the tone of the uterus. As a rule, a course of treatment consists of 10 suppositories, which allows for effective therapy.
  3. Solution or Papaverine hydrochloride. Injections of the remedy in the buttock give excellent results if carried out in a hospital setting. At home, it is quite difficult to ensure cleanliness and sterility. There is also a risk of infection, which threatens the formation of an abscess.

In order for the remedy not to cause harm in the early terms, it is necessary to follow the instructions for its use in absolute precision. Thus, rectal suppositories should be inserted into the anus after defecation. It is optimal to do this lying on your side. The course of treatment begins with a concentration of the active substance of 0.02 g and gradually increases to 0.04 g. No more than 3 suppositories may be used per day.

Папаверин при беременности

If injections of Papaverine are needed, then here you also need to adhere to certain instructions. So, injections can be of different types: subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous. If we are talking about subcutaneous injections, they are performed in the shoulder or in the outer part of the thigh. Intramuscular injections are injected directly into the upper lateral quadrant of the buttock. Before the injection, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved with saline and injected very slowly.

If interested in how to take Papaverine during pregnancy or if there are related issues, you should first consult your doctor. He will tell not only about the basic nuances of taking, but also advise on how to alleviate possible side effects.

The main nuances of taking the drug

First of all, many people are interested in how much Papaverine can be taken during pregnancy. It is necessary to take into account that the use of the drug uncontrolled is strictly contraindicated. So, with prolonged use of the drug with antispasmodic action, it is possible to provoke the opening of the cervix and other diseases.

Many people are stopped by the fact that there are contraindications to the drug. It is necessary to consider that even the most highly effective drugs have side effects. For some women in the early terms of the drug can cause nausea, increased drowsiness and sweating. Also, it is not allowed to take the drug with high blood pressure, heart rhythm problems and thyroid abnormalities.

It also plays a role how to put Papaverine in pregnancy, if it is a suppository. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. This can be done both naturally and with the help of an enema. Next, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, prepare in advance damp napkins. Enter the rectal suppositories better in the position on your side – in this case the discomfort will be minimized. The candle is inserted to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Папаверин при беременности

Alternatives to the drug

According to the active ingredient, pharmacological action and the possibility of using during pregnancy, there are several analogues of Papaverine. They can be both domestic and foreign production. The main alternatives to the drug are No-Spa, Spasmol, Drotaverine, Pantestin, Spasoverin, Ple-Spa, Nohshaverin.

Medications should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. He will analyze comprehensively the whole situation and the condition of the pregnant woman and select not only the optimal medication, but also its form of admission.


Papaverine in pregnancy in the early terms or even in the second/third semester is used quite actively. The medication has a favorable effect on the preservation of pregnancy. However, its prescription and reception should be performed exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Even with the high safety of the drug, there are certain side effects.

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