Women's Health

Ovulation test – what it is and how to do an ovulation test

Today, we can find out about our body’s processes in a couple of minutes without even leaving home. Now you do not need to believe in omens or look for clues in the behavior of your own body, just do a home test, and track the onset of such an important stage of the cycle as ovulation.

What is ovulation

Ovulation is the process of the release of eggs from the ovaries. Without this process, pregnancy is simply impossible. Ovulation occurs 36-40 hours after the production of luteinizing hormone. It is this hormone that ensures the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

When ovulation occurs, it triggers the process of the egg’s migration through the fallopian tubes, where it must meet the sperm to be fertilized. If you want to conceive, a woman needs to follow the stages of oocyte maturation and know exactly when she is ovulating.

Physically, ovulation may not make itself known. Only sometimes the moment of ovulation can be characterized between menstrual pains. But also this factor is rather the exception than the rule. That is why it is necessary to monitor the moment of ovulation with a home test.

What is the test for ovulation. How the test works

An ovulation test is similar to a pregnancy test in principle. Within a few minutes, it detects the presence of a hormone (in this case, we’re talking about the aforementioned luteinizing hormone) in a woman’s urine or her saliva, depending on the type of ovulation test. The highest concentration of the hormone peaks 36 hours before ovulation.

What are the tests, types

Today, there are many different types of ovulation tests. Each of them can show results, and which one to choose depends on your personal preferences.

Saliva Ovulation Test

You can buy an ovulation test that does the analysis using saliva. It will be as accurate as possible, because it is in the saliva collected the highest concentration of the hormone. In this test, you need to put a drop of saliva in a specially designated sector, and compare the results with the results in the instructions.

Test for ovulation by urine

The most common type of test is the urine test. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Moreover, you can choose the type of urine test that suits your needs:

  1. Paper strip with reagent. This is the most affordable version of the test with the slight disadvantage of discomfort of use. You will need to find a container to collect the urine, spend time waiting for the result, and dispose of it.
  2. Tablet tests are more comfortable to use. The essence of the test is the same – a paper strip with a reagent. However, this strip is enclosed in a plastic case, and to conduct the test is enough to put a drop of urine on the screen.
  3. The simplest, most accurate and best value – inkjet tests. It is enough to direct a stream of urine on such a test, and get the result. Moreover, such tests are considered to be the most accurate.

Also available today are electronic and reusable tests. They are convenient, accurate, and expensive. If you plan to measure ovulation for a long period, or are often on the road, where it is not convenient to use disposable tests, it may be worth buying a modern test. But, generally, this purchase is not justified financially.

How to use the test correctly (instructions)

No matter which test you choose, you need to use it correctly. Each test has an instruction manual that gives recommendations on how to use it. We decided to highlight the basic steps that will allow you to test easier, faster and more effectively.


Before doing an ovulation test, it is important to properly prepare your body for the test, otherwise the results can be distorted, especially if the test used is not of high quality. During the preparation phase of the test, it is important to:

  1. Do not take hormonal medications, including ointments with hormones. It is important to coordinate this with your hormone prescriber.
  2. Monitor your cycle. Your cycle should be regular to pinpoint the time of ovulation.
  3. Control your fluid intake.
  4. Do not drink alcoholic beverages before the test.
  5. Do not urinate for four hours before the test (if you use a urine-based test to determine if you are ovulating).

Note! If using a paper test strip, pay attention to the utensil for collecting urine. It is best if it is a clean disposable container.

When to do

You can do the ovulation test at any time. Better, conduct it twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. But, in order not to torture yourself with endless tests throughout the month, it is worth choosing the optimal day.

When to test with a regular cycle

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you can start testing on day 11. Continue testing until you get a positive result. If you get a clear positive result, you can count on the passage of ovulation within 24-48 hours.

Important! For more accurate results, do not use morning urine for the test.

When to test for an irregular cycle

If everything is clear about testing in a regular cycle, what to do if the cycle is irregular is still unclear. Let’s try to understand the complex mathematics of our body.

To correctly conduct an ovulation test, you need to refer to statistics. Calculate the shortest menstrual cycle for the last 6 months, and from this calculate the day when you should do an ovulation test.

Example of calculation: if your shortest cycle lasted 19 days, and the luteal phase lasts 14 days (you can also find out this at the examination by your doctor), then according to the formula 19-14 = 5, we obtain that on the 5th day after the period is expected to occur ovulation. So you will know on what day the test shows ovulation. Remember that the test should be done a couple of days before the appointed date, and a couple of days after it.

How to do

The method of the test depends on the type of test. If you use a strip, you need to collect urine in a clean disposable container, dip the test there for no more than 10 seconds, and assess what the test shows in 7-9 minutes.

Using a strip test requires a drop of urine on the screen. After a few minutes it will show you the result, which you can decipher thanks to the instructions.

Other tests have their own peculiarities of application. It is important to always follow the above rules of preparation and choice of test day. That said, if you are not sure of your calculations, you can run the test throughout your menstrual cycle until a positive result appears. You can also contact a specialist who will accurately calculate the days when you should take a home test.

Deciphering the results

After taking the test, it’s important to properly decipher the result you get. Regardless of the type of test (not including electronic tests in this list, they may have a different result display system that is more intuitive), all tests show the same final result.

You will need to assess the location of the manifested strips in two zones – the control zone (C) and the test zone (T). You also need to take into account the intensity of the coloring of the strips. They must be clear and saturated.

On passing the test you will have three options of what the test shows:

  1. Option 1 – You see two brightly colored stripes. This means that the test was successful and ovulation will occur in 24-48 hours.
  2. Option 2 – The band in the test area did not appear, or has a very faint color. In this case, ovulation did not come, and you need to test later.
  3. Option 3 – If at the end of the test control strip did not appear. This indicates either a defective test strip, or the incorrectness of the test performed. In such cases, it is worth immediately retest (if you have not violated the rules for preparing the test).

It is always worth remembering that if you are ovulating on the expected days, you must continue testing. Because of the individual characteristics of the body, your ovulation may “come” with a delay. If you do not ovulate during your entire menstrual cycle, you should see your doctor. This may be a sign of illness, or a rare body malfunction due to stress and other factors.

Reliability of the tests

The essence of the test for ovulation is to determine the presence of luteinizing hormone in the body for a given period of time. Their system of operation is simple, which makes the tests highly effective. Of course, you may encounter a low-quality test, a test that was not stored correctly or make a mistake in testing, which reduces the reliability of the study, but in general, the tests are very effective.

There are also a number of objective reasons why the test decreases its validity:

  1. If you have a disorder of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This can lead to an increase in hormone levels without ovulation occurring.
  2. Also the test can show an increase in the concentration of the hormone in polycystic ovaries.
  3. Hormone levels also jump in luteinization syndrome of a non-ovulatory follicle.

If you monitor your health, and also use additional methods of tracking the onset of ovulation (for example, measuring the basal temperature), the possibility of incorrect results is reduced. In addition, it is worth remembering that the test result is significantly influenced by the day of testing. If you want reliable results, you should use the momslab.app, which will help you track the day of ovulation.

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