
One year after childbirth, or it’s never too late to get back into shape

One year after childbirth – think of it as a handicap

Don’t beat yourself up if, for some reason, you didn’t manage to get in shape soon after giving birth. Not all women adapt to their new role equally well, even if this is not their first child. There can also be purely physiological problems that interfere with exercise, so many wonder, “Is it possible to lose weight a year after childbirth?”

Determined to tackle your recovery after a year? There are even some benefits here:

  • “birth” contraindications are finally a thing of the past – the incisions or tears have healed, you can not think about having had a C-section, etc.;
  • breastfeeding does not matter so much anymore – in a year of mature lactation there is little that can hurt, in addition, the mode of feeding has changed considerably, and some moms by this time are already winding down breastfeeding;
  • The daily routine of sleep and wakefulness has been established, and it is easier for a mother to plan her time and allocate it for herself;
  • a grown baby is more likely to be left in the care of loved ones for a while;
  • A minimum of physiological restrictions for exercise, more opportunities for variety.

A year after giving birth almost everything is suitable for moms – yoga, gymnastics, Pilates, cardio, you can choose according to taste and effectiveness. Have any doubts? Contact our experts, we will make you the best individual program.

Год после родов, или вернуть форму никогда не поздноГод после родов, или вернуть форму никогда не поздно

Why won’t it go away?

Many moms hope that with time they themselves will get back into great shape. Sometimes they do: lactation, household physical activity and congenital features of the constitution and genetics contribute to this. But for others, the past 12 months shatter that illusion. If the problem of weight and appearance has remained relevant after such a long time, then there are some additional factors. If you ask yourself how to remove the belly after a year of childbirth, it will not disappear by itself, the situation will have to help a little.

What can be the reason for the increased weight and nonideal outline for a long time after childbirth?

  1. What do we eat? Figure – is, after all, a consequence of our diet. The diet should be balanced. Of course, everyone knows about the dangers of an abundance of flour and sweets. But the reason for the excess weight after childbirth can also be in some bad eating habits. When lactation begins, the caloric content of food should be higher than usual by 30-35%. By a year, this requirement decreases, because the breast is no longer the main component of food, and the usual portions often remain the same.
  2. Beware of diastasis! If the figure as a whole has slimmed down, but the abdomen continues to bulge, the cause may be in the divergence of muscles. With diastasis ordinary exercises for the abs will not only have no effect, but can be very harmful. If you need to remove the abdomen after giving birth in a year, first visit a surgeon. Physical activity in this case should be chosen correctly.
  3. Movement is life. Reconsider your physical activity. Do you move enough during the day? Are your walks with your baby heavy enough or are you just sitting on the bench for the most part? 10-20 minutes of exercise will not have the desired effect of a sedentary lifestyle.
  4. Hormonal imbalances and metabolic problems. Here it is better not to do amateurish activity – you must go to the doctor.

Advice for moms yearlings, dreaming of a good shape

  1. No to a diet, yes – a balanced diet. Probably everyone knows that temporarily severe restrictions return the weight lost by the principle of “pendulum”. A healthy diet should become a way of life. All the more so, it’s a great example for the baby, just mastering the adult food.
  2. Not pressure, but regularity. You should not pounce on physical activity with persistence and zeal, and in a week give them up altogether before a new surge of conscience. Allocate time for exercise daily or every other day, but on a regular basis.
  3. Consult! Not from the Internet or girlfriends, but from specialized specialists, necessarily doctors. Each case is different, maybe you need certain steps, and some may be contraindicated. You can use the services of our website for this purpose.
  4. The right complex. Exercises should be selected not only on the basis of effectiveness, but also take into account personal preferences. If you do not like, for example, jogging, they may well be replaced by dancing. And the elements of yoga are usually liked by everyone. Come, we will acquaint you.
  5. Additional methods. In addition to the correction of diet and exercise, a significant benefit can bring wraps, massage, swimming, sauna, other pleasant procedures, if they are not contraindicated.

So, how to remove the abdomen in a year after childbirth, lose weight, get back in great shape, even if the whole year has passed? The recipe is simple: your decision – regularity – proper diet – physical activity – a positive attitude.

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