During pregnancy, a woman’s body weight naturally increases due to the need to carry a baby. The appearance of a noticeable tummy pleases the expectant mother because it indicates the growth of the fetus and suggests a normal course of the process. Together with doctors responsible pregnant women carefully monitor the results of weighing, comparing it with indications of normal weight for this period of fetal growth.

Women are usually wary of gaining extra pounds during pregnancy, not unreasonably associated with the likely risks to the developing fetus. The common belief that during the entire period of pregnancy should not gain more than 10 pounds, and a deviation from this figure is abnormal – rather, a myth. However, because of him, women often blame themselves for gaining weight beyond the norm, thinking that they were not serious about pregnancy. The truth is that this figure depends on a number of factors.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Reasons for changes in body weight

During pregnancy, there are many changes in a woman’s body. Including the expectant mother to gain weight during pregnancy. An increase in body weight occurs due to an increase in

  • The size of the uterus – the volume increases enormously, and this is reflected in the weight of the woman’s body;
  • the volume of amniotic fluid;
  • The size of the breasts, the swelling of the mammary glands, which is necessary as a preparation for future nursing of the baby;
  • placenta – the “baby place” also has its own weight, which grows during the fetal period;
  • Fat deposits, which the body necessarily stores to conserve and replenish energy, which is the norm;
  • blood volume – the circulatory system during this period functions with a double load, providing two people, so the blood production increases.
  • The actual weight of the fetus itself, which is the lion’s share of the kilograms gained during childbirth.
Нормы набора веса при беременности

The distribution of weight gain

Weight gain in pregnant women is mainly due to the fact that after childbirth will go away on its own – will have to engage in a struggle only with fat deposits. It is their amount that should be regulated while carrying a fetus, using the right diet and perinatal yoga. You can take advantage of classes for pregnant women, consult a nutritionist nutritionist.

Normally, gained weight is distributed between the bodies of the mother and the unborn child almost equally. This explains the return of pregnant women to their original parameters only some time after delivery. Proportionally, her body weight is made up of:

  • uterus – 900-1000 g;
  • the baby – 3,300-3,500 g;
  • subcutaneous fat – 2,000-3,000 g
  • placenta – 400-600 g;
  • amniotic fluid – about 1 l;
  • enlarged mammary glands – 500 g;
  • increased volume of blood – about 1.5 liters;
  • fluid reserves in tissues – 2,800 g.
Нормы набора веса при беременности

What else does the intensity of weight gain depend on

Doctors’ opinions on the attitude to weight gain – everything is individual, there are no uniform standards for what the rate of weight gain during pregnancy is acceptable. However, this does not mean that you can let things slide. During pregnancy, you should not eat junk food and forget to weigh yourself regularly. Controlling weight indicators will allow pregnant women to avoid many problems during the whole period of pregnancy and at childbirth, as well as easily regain their previous shape.

The body will retain only the “strategic reserves” necessary for breastfeeding. The extra pounds will disappear quickly enough, but only if the woman eats right during pregnancy and lactation. An important factor influencing weight gain is what weight indicators the mother-to-be had before pregnancy.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Dependence of weight gain on body index

Women who had a different physique before finding two stripes on the test also gain weight differently during this period. Pregnant women with a normal body mass index are recommended to gain weight during pregnancy in the range of 11.5-16 pounds. Those who have an excessive index is not recommended to gain more than 7-11.5 kilograms. Pregnant women expecting twins or triplets, on the contrary, should gain more.

For example, the recommended gain for a woman with a normal BMI for a multiple twin pregnancy is from 16.8 to 24.5 kilograms. Normal weight gain during pregnancy by trimester also varies. In the first trimester, a woman gains the least – from 1.6 to 2.3 kg. A slight decrease in weight parameters may occur in the first trimester due to nausea and loss of appetite. But already in the second and third trimester, the pregnant woman gains an average of 200-500 grams per week.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Weight gain: the first months

Weight gain during pregnancy is a conditional value, which should be “without fanaticism”. At an appointment with a gynecologist, a pregnant woman in the case of excessive deviation from the norm is sure to learn about it and get recommendations. Depending on the physique in the first month a woman gains up to 1 kg. The reason for this is mainly due to hormonal restructuring that has begun in her body. Sometimes, when pregnant with severe toxemia, she even loses weight, but this at this time is not harmful to either the woman or the unborn child.

The end of the second month of pregnancy may be marked by an increase of 1.5 extra kilograms, and the beginning of the second trimester – as much as 2.5. The rate of weight gain per month during pregnancy depends on the woman’s build. The most active accumulation of fat tissue occurs in thin women – they gain more than others.

Weight gain: second half

The second trimester is characterized by an active increase in the abdomen, and this, naturally, is reflected in the scales. So, a woman will gain plus 3 extra kilograms by the 4th month of pregnancy, and for the next – another 2 kg. By the end of 6 months, the norm of weight of a pregnant woman is ideally the original body weight plus 8 kilograms. However, it is worth remembering that obese ladies can gain half as much.

Swelling of the breasts, swelling, and active growth of the baby are common in the last three months of pregnancy. The weight of a pregnant woman during this period increases significantly by:

  • 7 month by 6-10 kg;
  • 8 month by 7-13 kg;
  • 9 month by 9-15 kg.

From these figures, it is clear that the “ideal” 10 kg during a normally proceeding pregnancy probably would have only initially pudgy women whose bodies will not “store” an extra layer of fat.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Rate of weight gain per week

The exact figure that would reflect the rate of weight gain for a particular woman in 7 days can be determined by a specialist who observes the pregnant woman. A clear schedule of weekly weight gain is hypothetically impossible, as many individual factors are important. Weekly gain in the first 20 weeks is almost imperceptible and is only a couple of hundred grams. But when pregnancy enters the second half, weight changes become more marked. During this period, a woman steadily gains 400-600 grams in one week, or with minor variations.

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However, you should not dwell on the scale readings. More correct to analyze not the number of gained kilograms, and well-being, general condition, the results of ultrasound scans, which are an indicator of the health of the mother and fetus. With the right approach, you can get rid of extra pounds after childbirth.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Weight change: formula for calculation

Based on the fact that the most important indicators for determining how much weight a woman should gain during pregnancy are the initial weight parameters, it is necessary to know their exact values. They will be needed so that they can be used to substitute a special formula for calculating body mass index (BMI), and depending on the result, control the rate of weight that a woman puts on weekly during pregnancy.

The formula looks as follows:

BMI = weight (kg) / height 2 (m2)

The results obtained will indicate that if the BMI value is less than 18.5, the woman is underweight. If the obtained result of calculations is within the range from 18.5 to 25 – the weight of the woman is normal, with a BMI of 25 to 30 – it is excessive and with a BMI over 30 – obesity is present.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Table with the norms by week of pregnancy

The table showing the correlation between the body parameters of the expectant mother before pregnancy and changes in the process of nurturing the fetus is the best way to illustrate the norms of weight gain by week.

Gestational age (in weeks)At normal weight before pregnancy (kg)If underweight before pregnancy (kg)If you are overweight before pregnancy (kg)
16up to 3up to 3.6up to 1.4
18up to 4up to 4.6up to 2.3
20up to 5.9up to 6to 2.9
22up to 7to 7.2to 3.4
24to 8.5to 8.6to 3.9
26up to 10to 10to 5
28to 11to 13to 5.4
30up to 12to 14to 5.9
32up to 13to 15to 6.4
34up to 14to 16to 7.3
36up to 15to 17to 7.9
38up to 16to 18to 8.6
40under 16to 18to 8.6

The table shows that weight gain occurs at different rates.

How to Monitor Body Weight in Pregnancy

In order to maintain a normal body weight, a pregnant woman needs to monitor her weight gain as properly as possible. To do this, certain requirements should be adhered to. For starters, it is worth making a rule to weigh yourself often enough. The interval between two weighings should not be more than one week. It is important to remember that the weighing procedure should be performed at the same time during the day, which pregnant women should choose for their own convenience.

For example, it could be early morning, just after awakening. Or late evening, just before going to bed. The observance of such an algorithm will make it possible to obtain the most objective picture of weekly weight gain. In addition, it is useful to draw a graphical representation of your weight gain for ease and clarity of tracking weight changes.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Gaining the missing weight: how to achieve it

Constant supply of the body with necessary minerals and vitamins, the observance of the food schedule is important for stable weight gain. It is better to eat several times a day and little by little, even in the absence of appetite. Avoid weight loss during toxicity helps to split meals. However, it is not the right way – to choose for the fastest normalization of the situation the most caloric dishes.

In any case, the diet should be balanced and healthy. Fried or too fatty foods can aggravate morning sickness. The menu should include dairy products, meat, fish, salads with dressings of sesame or olive oil. Prefer fruits and vegetables, especially avocados, bananas, grapes, and potatoes, which are high in calories. Yoghurt, nuts and dried fruit are good for snacks. Expectant mothers should drink more water, since toxicosis often provokes dehydration.

How to lose excess weight correctly

If you are overweight, getting rid of excess weight during pregnancy is worth eating more fruits and vegetables, which are characterized by a relative low-calorie and can satiate for a long time. Plant foods are rich in fiber, which is necessary to prevent constipation and normal intestinal function. Frequent meals in small portions should help you cope with your hunger. Flour and sweets, which are fast carbohydrates, should be replaced by slow ones, such as cerealbread, vegetables, fruits, and porridges.

Replace one meal several times a week with a glass of non-fat kefir to slow down weight gain. Do not forget about the proteins contained in seafood, cottage cheese, lean meat, and fish. Physical activity helps to control weight. Expectant mothers can walk or swim in the pool, yoga and classes with a fitball. They allow you to lose weight and improve your well-being.

Нормы набора веса при беременности

Reasons for being overweight during pregnancy

Getting rid of pounds that are overweight is more difficult than preventing it. Being overweight is absolutely no indication that the baby will be born strong and healthy. Often, extra weight during pregnancy is a consequence of lack of abstinence in eating. Also plays a role and popular belief that expectant mothers should eat for two. In addition, many people perceive pregnancy as an excuse not to limit themselves in anything.

But sometimes the reasons for excess weight are not in overeating, but in constant constipation due to worsening of intestinal peristalsis, or edema. And this is already a problem that requires medical advice for elimination. After all, swelling can indicate impaired kidney function. If this is the reason for the excess weight, a doctor’s prescription, which he will give on the results of the examination, will help to get rid of the excess weight.

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