- How to lose weight after childbirth with exercises and not only
- When can I start losing weight after giving birth?
- Peculiarities of postpartum exercises for weight loss
- Lose weight at home and on the street
- Cardio exercises for weight loss after childbirth
- Elements of yoga for a beautiful figure after childbirth
- Gymnastics for weight loss after childbirth
How to lose weight after childbirth with exercises and not only
A woman who has decided to practice exercises for weight loss after childbirth at home, it is necessary to take a comprehensive approach. Physical activity alone is not enough, you need to take into account other factors – you can read more about this in our blog. But when the main problems are solved, the question remains about the very postpartum gymnastics for weight loss. How to approach it correctly and effectively, which exercises for weight loss for moms will not harm breastfeeding, how to benefit your health and do no harm, we will tell in this article.

When can I start losing weight after giving birth?
There are active moms who want to start exercising their bodies before they even leave the maternity hospital. Others try not to pay attention to their shape, dealing with the house and the baby, waiting for the end of breastfeeding or the time of enrollment of the baby in kindergarten. Both positions – the extremes, you need a reasonable compromise.
- No extreme exercises for weight loss after childbirth should be done until the body has fully recovered! But this does not mean that you should just wait: the first exercises will contribute to a speedy recovery. Just at first you should not expect from them too much in terms of weight loss.
- The start depends on the condition of the mother and the peculiarities of childbirth. Natural childbirth will allow you to start exercising at 4-8 weeks, after the end of discharge. Lacerations or a perineal incision will push back this moment until the complete healing – for another couple of weeks, and a cesarean section – for up to 2 months. It is worth discussing this issue with your doctor.
- Diastasis, birth injuries, any chronic diseases can be a contraindication or restriction for exercises for weight loss at home after childbirth. Professional consultation is necessary.
- Too active exercise is not quite suitable for breastfeeding moms. But cardio exercises, elements of yoga and gymnastics will be useful. In order to choose them correctly, use the help of a specialist.

Peculiarities of postpartum exercises for weight loss
In order for exercises for weight loss after childbirth to bring maximum benefit and no harm, you need to approach them thoughtfully and consistently. Doctors and specialists in weight loss after childbirth advise adhering to a number of general recommendations.
- Steadily and gradually. It is better to exercise every day for 10-20 minutes than to give gymnastics an hour or two at a time and forget about it for a long time. Training does not have to be daily, but it is better to make an optimal plan and try to stick to it. Two to four times a week will be enough. “Case-by-case” approaches will not make weight loss exercises effective.
- Calm pace. There should be no “jerky” loads. You should exercise gently, gradually increasing the correctly chosen load. The specialists of our site can help you with this.
- Feelings are in the first place. If, during training, pain, nausea, dizziness appeared, you should immediately stop.
- Control breathing and heart rate. For greater effect it is necessary to try to synchronize the breaths and exhalations with the execution of exercises. Many techniques directly provide for this. Avoid shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
- Repeat 3-5 times. This is enough for each exercise in the complex for weight loss. It is possible to perform more, if a woman feels in herself strength.
Lose weight at home and on the street
Effective exercises for weight loss after childbirth can be performed not only in the gym, but also at home and outdoors. For this, a woman has many opportunities, which can provide her with elements of gymnastics, yoga, cardio exercises, Pilates.

Cardio exercises for weight loss after childbirth
Contrary to many opinions, they are not harmful for young mothers, if there were no contraindications to them before childbirth. If the pelvic floor muscles have fully recovered, you can start your favorite jogging and hiking with alternating speeds, ups and downs. The baby carriage is not a hindrance! Fresh air is essential, so it is better to choose a park or, if possible, a beach, rather than a path along a busy street.
Elements of yoga for a beautiful figure after childbirth
If aerobic exercise is not to your liking or contraindicated, yoga can be a great alternative. Properly selected yoga elements can be performed by the mother even with the baby. All you need is a mat and some free time. It is possible to do some asanas during a walk in the fresh air or limit the practice to home practice. Our specialists can help you properly organize yoga classes for postpartum weight loss – they have the necessary knowledge and skills for this.

Gymnastics for weight loss after childbirth
A number of gymnastic exercises are specifically aimed at restoring muscles and reducing the volume of the main problem areas after childbirth – the abdomen, hips, tightening the pectoral muscles. You should choose exercises that are not contraindicated for breastfeeding – those that do not require sudden jerks and too active exhausting movements. Many of them can be done on the street.
Since different organs experienced different stresses and changes in varying degrees during pregnancy, their recovery may also proceed unevenly. The main principles of weight loss training for women after childbirth are realistic expectations and gradualness.

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