- What is female fertility
- Types of fertility
- Fertility: factors influencing it
- What else does female fertility depend on?
- Increasing female fertility: what to do
- Methods of improving the ability to procreate
- What else leads to increased fertility
- No to stress and long live the diet.
- What minerals and vitamins will improve fertility
A woman’s maternal instinct requires realization, and the so-called “biological clock” is always ticking, reminding her of her main purpose. The issue of increasing women’s fertility in the modern world is very acute, as the statistics of recent years are disappointing. They show that the number of women under 34, who find it difficult to conceive or bear a child, has doubled.
Female fertility is an indicator of the health of the entire reproductive system, so if a couple has been trying to conceive for over a year without success, it means that it is time to analyze all the negative factors affecting fertility, to consult a doctor and seriously engage in the state of their health. The restoration of the body’s reproductive function is usually quite achievable if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and if there are no serious pathologies.

What is female fertility
In order to engage in the improvement of anything, you need to have a clear idea of what exactly will have to be improved. Speaking about improving a woman’s fertility, it is worth understanding that this expression means her ability to conceive, bear offspring and reproduce it into the world. From the moment of birth, a woman’s body contains several million eggs. It is believed that by adolescence their number decreases to about 400 thousand.
By the time a girl has her period, the eggs that were previously in the ovaries in a “dormant” state begin to mature. Approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle once a month there is ovulation – a mature egg goes out of the follicle, which is directly related to the woman’s ability to conceive a child. Pregnancy occurs after fertilization of the egg by sperm and attachment for further growth and development to the walls of the uterus.

Types of fertility
Conception is just one component of fertility that is usually the focus of a woman who dreams of becoming a mother. However, it is the first step on the road to motherhood, followed by a 9-month gestation and a successful delivery at the due date. Based on these factors, there are different types of fertility – high, normal, low. The level of female fertility is determined by three components – the ability of the oocyte to fertilize, the ability of the female body to bear a fetus to the due date and independently deliver a child.
If at least one of these factors is absent, we can talk about low female fertility. If all of these factors are present, fertility is considered normal.The absence of any complications in passing all stages of achieving motherhood gives grounds to define the level of fertility as high.
Fertility: factors influencing it
Increasing fertility is a topical issue because its level is not a constant that is predetermined from birth. Its degree is influenced by many factors at the same time, including:
- A woman’s age – as time passes, oocytes come out of the ovaries less frequently, cycles without ovulation are increasingly common;
- Fallopian tube obstruction;
- early menopause;
- The influence of too much or not enough weight on the hormonal background;
- Stresses which cause hormonal imbalance;
- Certain ailments that have a negative impact on hormonal balance – such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, diabetes mellitus;
- Gynecological aetiology, including non-inflammatory diseases;
- Multiple surgical interventions in the uterus, primarily abortions;
- Bad habits – smoking, alcohol abuse, and so on.
What else does female fertility depend on?
Thinking about how to increase fertility in women and in its evaluation, it is worth considering all these factors. Some lead to inability to conceive, others have an impact on the ability to bear or bear a baby without complications. Reduced female fertility can be permanent – the causes that caused it are irreversible and it is impossible to get pregnant naturally.
However, there are also temporary causes when the elimination of negative factors makes it possible to conceive and have a baby. In addition, neutralization of such factors as sexually transmitted infections, which often lead to failure to conceive or infertility, helps to increase fertility. For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea often lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and fixation on the uterine mucosa is prevented by an altered endometrium.
Increasing female fertility: what to do
The simplest answer to the question of how to increase fertility in a woman could be the advice to eliminate all the negative factors that negatively affect her ability to conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby. But the truth is that it’s not that simple. Improving fertility is a comprehensive solution to the problem, based on a comprehensive examination of the expectant mother (when it comes to improving her fertility only).
If you give up the idea of moving things on your own, listen to your doctor’s advice and follow them, take the medications prescribed by him on time, and if necessary – resort to surgery, then the two long-awaited stripes on the test will not take long to come. You should start with changing your lifestyle and giving up bad habits, because recovering the ability to conceive and procreate is impossible without improving your overall health.
Methods of improving the ability to procreate
In order to improve fertility, a woman who wants to become a mother should adhere to the following rules:
- Have a regular sexual life with an intensity of at least 2-3 times a week;
- Balance your diet: refuse low-calorie diets, eliminate junk food from your menu: eat too much fatty, fried, pickled food, and include a variety of products in your diet;
- completely give up bad habits, including alcohol and smoking;
- Take vitamin medications prescribed by your doctor;
- During ovulation, refrain from taking painkillers, as they can have a negative impact on the entire process.
In addition, reducing to moderate physical activity will help to increase fertility.

What else leads to increased fertility
To increase fertility, it will also be wise to reduce caffeine intake and minimize stress if possible. An important factor of influence on increasing fertility is also observance of water balance – the norm of pure water for daily consumption is about 2 liters. It is worth remembering that the premature aging of the body, and therefore the deterioration of the reproductive function of the female body, leads to the use of energy drinks, coffee, sedentary lifestyle.
Therefore it is worth categorically to refuse taking such drinks and to intensify your lifestyle. To solve the problem of increasing fertility coffee can easily be replaced by green tea or black tea with lemon or honey, and sitting in front of a computer or television screen – walks in the fresh air with moderate physical activity. Absolute taboo – fast food, eating at night, worrying about every little thing. It is important to tune in to a positive attitude.
No to stress and long live the diet.
Increased fertility depends directly on the resistance to stress. Living in a constant state of stress and increased anxiety is a direct path to unsuccessful attempts to conceive and create a lot of problems even if pregnancy occurs during the process of carrying it out. That is, if fertility is of the normal type, exposure to stress prevents it from being fully realized. Striving for a normal weight and following certain dietary rules are also important factors that contribute to the restoration of a woman’s reproductive function.
Regarding nutrition, the recommendations are as follows:
- Consume more foods containing iron;
- Avoid unfermented soy products;
- Reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates;
- Give priority to foods rich in fiber;
- Eliminate trans fats;
- include foods rich in antioxidants.
What minerals and vitamins will improve fertility
To improve fertility, it makes sense to pay special attention to micronutrients, which strengthen the female body, and at the onset of pregnancy affect the formation and development of the fetus:
- Probiotics and fatty acids – stimulate the immune system, strengthen the body, maintain a healthy balance of mucosal microflora.
- folic acid – increases the ability of cells to divide and form new life, helps reduce the risk of abortion;
- vitamin D and calcium – serve to strengthen the bone system of the potential future mother, after conception they participate in the formation of the baby’s skeleton;
- magnesium – normalizes sleep, stabilizes the cardiovascular and nervous system, and reduces swelling.
At the stage of new birth, 100 billion new cells are formed. Therefore, it is necessary that the mother’s body is ready to give them in the right amounts of all the required substances.

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