How to stand on the head correctly?
It’s just as difficult to eliminate errors in achieving the correct body position in the headstand as it is to learn Shirshasana for the first time. That’s why it’s important to observe the order of entering and exiting the pose from the very beginning, fully controlling the process.
Everyone decides for himself whether to master the asana or not, but the many benefits that the body gets from the practice make the headstand attractive to those practicing yoga. Inverted asana helps to take a new look at the reality around, to see their own abilities, gives confidence in their abilities.

Benefits of headstands
The positive effect of the exercise on the body is manifested in the following:
– stimulation of the departments of the brain eliminates migraines, normalizes the work of the glands of internal secretion;
– stabilizes hormonal background, improves vision, memory and attention;
– Reduces the likelihood of depression, nervous system disorders;
– Increases metabolism, contributing to weight loss;
– Thanks to an improved blood flow, the brain and internal organs get more oxygen, reducing the load on the heart;
– The work of the digestive tract and abdominal organs is regulated;
– Muscles are strengthened, diseases of the genitourinary system are cured.
Skills gained in Shirshasana coordination of movements change self-perception, increase self-esteem, stress-resistance and awareness of actions.
You should not do asana if you have heart failure, atherosclerosis, cataracts, glaucoma, kidney disease, dislocation of intervertebral discs and some other diseases. Practice headstands during pregnancy should be supervised by an experienced instructor. Expectant mothers primarily think about the safety of the baby and his full development. Therefore, it is useful to consider possible risks and consult a doctor before you start.

Standing on the head technique
It is recommended to perform the exercise at least 3-4 hours after a meal before the main complex of asanas, because the body should not be tired and tense to enter Shirshasana.
1. Kneel down, place your forearms on a folded blanket, with your elbows at shoulder width;
2. Intertwine your fingers into a lock and connect them firmly, palms facing the blanket, touching it with little fingers;
3. Bringing your knees closer to your elbows, put your head in your intertwined hands so that your fingers are on the back of your head and your parietal is on the blanket;
4. When your head is in a stable position between your palms, pull your knees off the floor, resting only on your toes;
5. As you exhale, lift your knees bent at the same time and fix your position;
6. Trying to keep your balance, gradually straighten your legs, pulling your whole body in one line.
Exit the pose by smoothly repeating the same actions in reverse order.

Beginners are recommended to master the technique of the headstand with simplified variants:
– Do the exercise in the corner, leaning on two walls at the same time while lifting the legs to maintain balance and a symmetrical body position in the pose;
– Hold the pose by lifting one leg and resting the other on the mat. After learning to hold the pose with one leg raised, you can move on to a variant of Shirshasana with both legs raised;
– Lift the legs bent at the knees, pressing the thighs against the torso in the upper position, doing a posture with bent legs. After mastering the balance in that position, start doing classical Shirshasana.
When discomfort or painful sensations arise, get out of the position immediately. In case of difficulties related to lifting and straightening the legs, the headstand is practiced in simplified versions.

Nuances of the exercise
1. While in Shirshasana, one should constantly control the position of the body. Incorrect performance of this yoga pose, load shifting can lead to injury and harm to health.
2. The weight should be evenly distributed on the arms – forearms and hands. During the exercise, you should feel as if you can lift your head above the floor. No more than 30% of the weight should be on the head.
3. Raising and lowering of jointed legs is done slowly, on an exhalation, without straining the abdomen.
4. Your eyes should not strain and fill with blood. Stress on the eyes is a sign of incorrect performance of the exercise.
5. Elbows in Shirshasana should be shoulder width apart. Control the protrusion of the pelvis and abdomen, trying to pull the body into one perpendicular line to the floor and pointing it upward.
The timing of the headstand in yoga classes is strictly individual. Beginners are advised to hold the pose for half a minute, gradually increasing the duration to 10-15 minutes. Careful preparation for mastering the headstand will help you properly understand the technique of the pose and make yoga classes healthy and safe.

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