Yoga is a type of exercise that is never too late to start. People of all genders and ages can practice yoga because it’s healthy and suitable for all fitness levels. And expectant mothers are no exception!

Yoga and pregnancy are absolutely comparable concepts. Even if you haven’t practiced yoga before, you can start now, especially since you probably have time for it. You can learn the physical and spiritual basics of yoga, start with simple asanas, and proceed to more complicated ones after you give birth. While you’re still waiting for your baby, choose simple, less strenuous workout routines. Our video lessons will help you figure out your technique and make your first steps in this direction.

Основы йоги: правила занятий беременным

Yoga will relieve you from discomfort, pain and stress. In addition, certain types of asanas and breathing practices will help during childbirth and allow you to control the process.

Yoga for pregnant women mainly includes simple asanas that help relieve strain on the back, improve circulation in the legs and pelvic organs, and maintain an even posture. With the help of different asanas you can get rid of back pain, neck pain, discomfort in the lower back, prepare muscles, joints and ligaments for childbirth.

The basics of yoga for pregnant women are safety and comfort. Do not do exercises if you feel pain, or if you feel like you are at your limit – if so, it is better to suspend the class, because any practice should bring calmness and joy.

Основы йоги: правила занятий беременным

Expecting a baby: yoga rules for pregnant women

Be aware of your state of health: if there is a threat of miscarriage, perform the asanas with maximum caution, preferably under the supervision of an instructor.

Use auxiliary aids: they can be towels under your back, soft rollers under your lower back, yoga bricks, belts for flexibility asanas.

Be aware of your level of training: if you have not practiced yoga before pregnancy, start with the simplest basic asanas. Do not do exercises that put pressure on the abdomen, including twisting and bending.

Use a chair: for many asanas that you could do before pregnancy, you will now need a chair – it can be used as a support for your hands as well as tools for the exercises. For example, breathing practices are better performed half-lying or sitting in a chair.

Introduce breathing practices: for example, it can be the breathing of Ujjayi Pranayama. First, the practice is good for calming, and second, it will come in handy during childbirth.

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So, yoga and pregnancy are compatible, the main thing is to follow the rules.

Основы йоги: правила занятий беременным

Yoga classes for pregnant women: spiritual content.

During pregnancy, the purpose of hatha yoga is not to put out as much as possible, but to find inner peace. The main thing is comfort and a positive attitude, because when the mother is happy and calm, then the baby is happy and calm.

To awaken the spiritual beginning, choose calm asanas. If you work with charkas, you can use asanas for them that are allowed during pregnancy. Connect spiritual practices, meditations, therapeutic storytelling. Breathing practices will play an important role – they will not only contribute to calming the mind, but also help in the birthing process.

But being engaged in spiritual and physical development, and do not forget to listen to the child’s behavior – already in the second half of pregnancy, you can clearly see when what is happening with the mother the baby likes and when not.

How often should I practice yoga during pregnancy?

In this question, it is not the frequency or duration that is important, but the regularity. Carve out 15-20 minutes of free time for practice, and you’ll see the results – your well-being will improve, your hormonal balance will normalize, and your body will become more toned.

It doesn’t matter what time of day you practice yoga: you can do body-strengthening asanas during the day and relaxing ones in the evening.

You can do yoga at home or in a group class: for example, at home every day and in a group class – once a week, under the supervision of an instructor. The main thing is to build the right technique and learn to hear your body and, which is important at this time, your baby. Because now your baby can tell you what he likes and what he does not like.

Основы йоги: правила занятий беременным

Yoga and pregnancy: the basics of the practice

The main thing in yoga is technique. Devote some time to understand how to properly do certain asanas and complexes. In our video lessons experienced instructors tell and show the most important points and basics of yoga practice.

The most important asanas during pregnancy are Cat pose, Shavasana, Lotus pose, Viparita Karani, and Birch pose. Start with them, and then include other asanas based on your level of fitness.

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