Asanas in hatha yoga are the main element of classes and complexes. Asanas are a special position of the body. As a rule, it is a static exercise aimed at strengthening and harmonization of tissues: normalization of the work of internal organs, improved joint mobility and muscle elasticity.

Занятия хатха-йогой: асаны

Yoga classes and asanas: how does it work?

What is the difference between yoga and gymnastics? And what is the difference between asanas and gymnastic exercises?

Firstly, yoga asanas, when performed correctly, do not consume energy like gymnastics, but on the contrary, contribute to its accumulation and preservation in the body. This happens due to the triggering of special physiological mechanisms.

Secondly, hatha yoga asanas stimulate the growth of nerve fibers and promote the complication of connections of peripheral and central nervous system.

Thirdly, each asana has its own unique effect on the body. With the help of hatha yoga exercises you can even normalize the metabolic processes in the body and achieve a steady improvement in well-being and strengthen the immune system.

Занятия хатха-йогой: асаны

Hatha Yoga: asanas and their classification

Since hatha yoga asanas are very different, each of them involves different parts of the body and muscle groups, then accordingly, there are different classifications of asanas:

by type of action – for strength, for endurance and for flexibility;

By the goals – therapeutic and meditative;

By the number of people – single and paired asanas;

By body position – non-stressed, seated, inverted, bending, twisting and balancing.

Занятия хатха-йогой: асаны

Asana practice in yoga for pregnant women

Hatha yoga exercises for pregnant women are usually single poses. Their purpose is the general recovery of the body of the future mother and the positive impact on the baby. In addition, asanas for pregnant women have a meditative effect – as it is important for the future mother to maintain a calm mindset, positive thoughts and emotions.

When practicing hatha yoga, you should listen to your body, including the signals your baby sends. He can already determine what he likes and what he does not, and your task is to recognize his signals and stop in time. At the slightest discomfort, you should slowly leave the asana, you can, for example, go to Shavasana.

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Another important point that should be considered by future mothers: hatha yoga classes should be systematic, that is, it is desirable to practice every day at about the same time.

Занятия хатха-йогой: асаны

General rules for asanas

First of all, determine that you have no indications. It is forbidden to do yoga with a threat of miscarriage, low water content, and diastasis. For other diagnoses, it is better to consult a doctor.

Technique is very important – take some time to learn the correct technique of performing asanas, for example, you can do it through our video tutorials.

Занятия хатха-йогой: асаны

The main principles of asana practice are:

calm, slow entry into the asana;


concentration on the sensations in the body;

Minimizing external stimuli.

Find a quiet, comfortable place where no one will disturb you. Take a mat, light aroma sticks, turn on meditative music and immerse yourself in the practice of hatha yoga.

Занятия хатха-йогой: асаны

What do I need for a yoga class at home?

In order to have a yoga practice at home, follow three main principles: comfort, efficiency and safety.

If you need additional equipment (and every pregnant woman starting to practice yoga needs it), buy it in advance: a yoga brick or block, a belt, bolsters. And, of course, a yoga mat that you will like! Of course, in addition to this, it must be safe and properly perform its function:

  • The mat should not slip on the floor, but it is important that it absorbs moisture;
  • The optimal thickness is 4.5 to 6 mm;
  • Length depends on the height of the occupant – usually a little more than 180 cm.

In order to maintain a calm atmosphere, choose meditative music, turn on our video lessons, light aroma sticks or aroma candles and begin your hatha yoga practice.

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