Norms of hemoglobin and consequences of iron deficiency in pregnancy
During pregnancy, a woman’s blood volume increases, which entails an inevitable decrease in hemoglobin concentration. This process itself is not considered pathological, as long as the hemoglobin index fits into the norms for pregnant women. So, in the first trimester, a result from 116 to 139 g/l will be normal, in the second – 97-148 g/l, and in the third trimester, the limits expand to 95-150 g/l.
If a woman diagnosed with anemia does not take mineral supplements and does not eat foods to raise hemoglobin, pregnancy will be accompanied by such unpleasant conditions as fatigue, headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, shortness of breath, tingling extremities.
For the fetus, the consequences of anemia in the mother can be mental and nervous disorders. In addition, a decrease in hemoglobin levels increases the likelihood of miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy.

What foods contain hemoglobin for pregnant women?
Products rich in hemoglobin are especially necessary for pregnant women, so it is worth thinking about including them in your diet. First of all, these are foods of animal origin: eggs, liver, by-products, shellfish, red meat. Also, grains (wheat, corn, rye, buckwheat) are often used as products to increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood of pregnant women. They can be consumed in the form of porridge, bran, bread and other forms of serving.
Products that increase hemoglobin in pregnant women include some vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables, beets, pumpkins, and tomatoes are particularly prominent. When sparingly processed, onions and potatoes can be a source of iron. Of fruits, the most popular product for hemoglobin in pregnant women is the pomegranate. This fruit is recognized as a very powerful source of iron. In addition to pomegranates to increase hemoglobin, pregnant women are recommended to eat apples, peaches, kiwi, figs, plums.
In small quantities with iron deficiency anemia is recommended to eat fresh and dried herbs, as well as red berries: raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blackberries.
In addition to foods for pregnant women to increase hemoglobin is important not only food, but also drinks. Thus, to prevent and treat anemia, women consume juices from red fruits and vegetables, such as beets, carrots, pomegranate and other above products.
For more advice on nutrition, consult a nutritionist at online course.

Other ways to prevent and treat anemia in pregnant women
In addition to nutrition, a number of other factors affect the composition of the blood, taking into account which can avoid the occurrence of anemia in pregnancy:
- Diagnosis and treatment of diseases at the planning stage of pregnancy. For example, many gynecological diseases, as well as pyelonephritis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis and a number of other pathologies entail a risk of anemia.
- Control of hemoglobin content in the blood. Detected in time, the downward trend of this indicator will help to correct the way of life and avoid the manifestation of anemia.
- Taking iron-containing medications. Usually prescribed by a doctor from the second trimester of pregnancy. The course of taking these drugs can be up to a year.

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