Exercise on a fitness ball after childbirth for moms

A big elastic ball – the fitball – was invented in Switzerland in order to soften the process of physical training. Exercising with it is, above all, a safe way to tighten the figure. This method is universal because it is suitable for people of different ages and with different physical fitness. Fitball is especially relevant for weight loss after childbirth.

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The benefits of fitnessball for women after childbirth

Pregnancy disturbs the center of gravity in the woman’s body and the ratio of its parts, which affects the coordination of movements, as well as the work of the muscles, so exercises on a fitball after childbirth will help to return to full life, get rid of pain and unwanted weight. Also lessons on the ball will help prepare your body for further training and exercise.

Complex exercises with a fitball after childbirth will give the opportunity to:

  • strengthen muscles and joints;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • lose weight;
  • improve posture;
  • get rid of unnecessary abdominal folds and develop abs;
  • to give flexibility to the body;
  • to get a general tonus;
  • get a boost of vitality and motivation.

It is possible to start fitnessball exercises after natural childbirth only after two months. As for a cesarean section, in this case, you should wait six months.

Tips for choosing a fitnessball

It is necessary to choose the ball for gymnastics carefully and thoughtfully, because 30% of the effectiveness of the exercises will depend on this. A quality fitness ball should meet the following criteria:

  • Be strong and resilient;
  • The surface should not show a seam;
  • The hole for inflation should not protrude too clearly.

The best option would be a ball with anti-breakage function. If a fitball bursts while exercising, it will gently lower a woman to the floor, without hurting her in any way.

For newcomers to exercise on a fitness ball for weight loss after childbirth, it will be more convenient to use a ball with horns to keep proper balance, and a spiked fitness ball will have a beneficial effect on a woman’s skin, as it has a massage effect.

When choosing the right ball, you should also rely on your height:

  • height to 156 cm – a fitball with a diameter of 55 cm;
  • the height from 156 to 174 cm – a fitball with a diameter of 65 cm;
  • 175 to 184 cm – a fitball with a diameter of 75 cm;
  • height from 185 cm and above – a fitball with a diameter of 85 cm.

Before starting fitness ball exercises for weight loss after childbirth, it is necessary to make sure that the ball also corresponds to the weight of the woman.

фитбол для мам

Peculiarities of gymnastics on a fitball after childbirth

The remaining 70% of the success of the exercise will depend on the regularity with which the woman performs the exercises, and the training program. To be confident in the effectiveness and safety of gymnastics on a fitball, it is worth referring to an online course, compiled in the form of clear and simple video tutorials, through which experts have already developed the necessary program not only for exercises on the ball after childbirth, but also for the comprehensive rehabilitation of the woman.

Running, aerobics and other intense fitness may be contraindicated in the postpartum state, as the body may be weakened after childbirth. Loss of consciousness and loss of strength are possible. With a fitness ball, on the other hand, the opportunity for weight loss is not only there, but also expanded.

Start gymnastics gradually, each movement should be performed sequentially. Exercises on a fitball for breastfeeding mothers will be slightly different, so that physical activity does not cause a disturbance in the lactation process. It is not necessary to perform all the recommended exercises at once, it is better to start with 2-3, with time increasing their number. Begin gymnastics on a fitball can not immediately – it must be preceded by a light warm-up. Otherwise it may cause injury.

Since the most common problem in women’s bodies, which you want to eliminate as soon as possible is a sagging belly, many people focus on exercises on a fitball for the abs after childbirth. A comprehensive approach is necessary in the recovery of the figure, and excessive emphasis on the abs will not lead to a strengthening of the abdominal muscles, and further weakening.

Benefits of exercises with a fitball after childbirth

Exercises on a fitball for moms:

  • do not require a large investment of money;
  • allow you to exercise at home;
  • suggest the possibility of subscribing to a ready-made course with a full recovery program.

Exercises on a fitnessball for weight loss after childbirth will help to restore the body and gain the desired figure. And after full rehabilitation, the ball can be used for active fitness and fitness of the child from the earliest years.

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