
Energy for Mom: Exercise after childbirth

Exercise for Mom

Pregnancy and childbirth not only radically change a woman’s whole life, but also restructure her body. It seems that it is unlikely to change something for the better, because all attention is absorbed by caring for the baby, in addition, it is scary to harm breastfeeding. In such cases, you can do exercises to lose weight after childbirth – it will not harm the body of the new mother.

When can I start exercising?

It all depends on how accustomed a woman’s body to stresses, as well as on the peculiarities of childbirth. And the most important criterion – the desire and willingness of the young mother herself.

If mommy did not stop exercising during pregnancy, and natural childbirth was not complicated, the doctor may give the go-ahead to start exercising 3 days after delivery. For those who had a harder time, this period will be pushed back a little – to the normalization of health, possibly removing and healing stitches, in the end – until a positive verdict of the doctor.

Энергия для мамы: зарядка после родовЭнергия для мамы: зарядка после родов

Exercise for the abdomen after childbirth

The first postnatal exercises will not be difficult and not long. The essence of them – to help contract the abdominal muscles: this will help better expel lochia and the quickest return of elasticity. Below are examples of exercises, for more information and a complete list of options, see the online course of the project.

The starting position is lying on your back in bed or on a mat. Palms should be placed on the navel area to control the tension. A slow and calm breath is taken with the nose, and at the same time the abdomen is retracted. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then breathe out and relax.

The first time should be repeated 3-5 times, a couple of weeks you can increase the tension of the abs and bring the approaches to 25 times.

If there are tingling sensations in the abdomen and increased discharge, it means that the uterus is contracting intensively, everything is correct and good.

If the main purpose of exercise after childbirth – to remove the abdomen, you need not only exercises, but also proper nutrition, and active outdoor activities. This is perfectly combined with the new role – the mother of a small child.

Detailed options for exercises for the abdomen after childbirth can be read on the site. Free access to the necessary initial exercises is available for those who are registered, which help to qualitatively strengthen the abdomen and not provoke diastasis.

You can increase the exercise 6-8 weeks after natural childbirth and 3-4 months after a cesarean.

Exercise for the back after childbirth for weight loss

Carrying a baby in your arms, as well as lactation is a load for the mother’s back. To relieve tension from the strained muscles, to remove pain, you need to help the spine to become more flexible and healthy. Most yoga asanas aimed at twisting and stretching are very effective for this purpose. You can find recommendations for technique on the online course at Basic exercises for the back are available on the site for free after registering.

Elements of Back Exercise

  1. Lying curl on your back. Arms spread out, legs bent at the knees, shoulders pressed to the floor; knees bent to one side, head turned to the other. In the extreme positions, you need to pause.
  2. Pivots in a sitting position. Arms crossed in front or in a lock behind the head. The body slowly turns to the right, then to the left.
  3. “Puppet.” In the sitting pose, straight arms are stretched upward, followed by the top of the head, as if on a string, the spine is stretched out. The pose should be held for at least half a minute.
  4. “Kalechik.” Curled up on your side, round your back as you exhale, relax and straighten as you inhale.

Exercise after childbirth to lose weight

The dream of many young mothers is to regain pre-pregnancy weight. Do not be carried away with diets, but reasonable physical activity will only be beneficial. Any exercise helps to improve metabolism, so that the benefits will be from all. But the most effective for weight loss experience has shown the following:

  • “Cat” – rounding the back and retracting the abdomen in a position on all fours;
  • “Planka” – a stand on the elbows in the prone position (it can be done only when the deep abdominal muscles become stronger);
  • Breathing exercises like bodyflex or Pilates;
  • adapted yoga.

Regular 15 minutes a day that the mother will dedicate to herself or combine it with games with the baby, in 2-3 months will present her with the first desired results.

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