- Psychological recovery after childbirth
- Why do I want to cry after childbirth?
- How do you recognize postpartum depression?
- Why does postpartum depression occur?
- Psychological readiness.
- How to help yourself through the psychological recovery after childbirth?
- Psychological recovery after childbirth from psychologists and doctors
Psychological recovery after childbirth
A woman’s condition after childbirth is called three-day sadness, maternity sadness syndrome, or baby blues. Why does a woman cry after childbirth? It is due to changes in the hormonal background and psychological state. So what is postpartum depression? How quickly does the psychological recovery after childbirth occur?
Why do I want to cry after childbirth?
During pregnancy, the body produced large amounts of progesterone and estrogen. They have a calming effect. After childbirth, their amount decreases to normal. Prolactin, the hormone responsible for the appearance of breast milk, starts to be produced. A woman’s mood after childbirth in the first week is like a roller coaster. Then the hormonal levels come into balance. The state becomes stable.
The situation can be the opposite. In a natural childbirth a large amount of oxytocin is released. The woman feels a rush of strength and energy in the first days after childbirth, ready to “move mountains”. Then the hormonal background stabilizes. If there is no support and help, a girl can get depressed.
Discontent and tearfulness in women after childbirth is a normal recovery process.
Then there is a period of adjustment to the role of the mother. Nervousness can develop into postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression manifests itself in a depressed and depressed state, tearfulness, unwillingness to see and be near the baby, aggression, anger, irritability are possible.
How do you recognize postpartum depression?
The emotional state of a woman after childbirth jumps. It is important to distinguish between a normal state, which will pass with time, and one in which you need to seek help.
- Neuralgia.
- Absence of menstruation or disruption of the cycle.
- Headaches (up to and including migraines).
- Dizziness, frequent heart palpitations.
- Itching.
- Changes in appetite in any direction and other gastrointestinal disorders.
- Nightmares, insomnia, thoughts of suicide, harming yourself or a child.
- Decreased libido or fear of sex after childbirth.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Increased fatigue, low activity, lack of energy.
- Complaints of illness, but doctors cannot find anything.
- Low self-esteem and insecurity, feelings of guilt.
- Longing, apathy, depressed state.
- After childbirth, life has lost its meaning.
Why does postpartum depression occur?
Childbirth does not provoke depression. Their cause is; stressors.
- Low economic and social status of the family.
- A difficult pregnancy and/or childbirth.
- Congenital illness of the child.
- Lack of family support.
- The woman is not psychologically ready.
Psychological readiness.
- Body readiness. The woman believes that she is healthy, her body is ready to carry the fetus.
- Cognitive readiness. The girl knows about the birthing process and self-help methods.
- Emotional. Thinks she is ready to give birth. Reacts normally to the method of childbirth prescribed by doctors (cesarean, natural birth).
- Motivational. Woman wants to give birth (would not avoid it if possible).
- Familial. A girl is sure if her relatives are happy about the baby, waiting for the birth and discharge, everything is ready at home.

To be prepared psychologically, you need to read literature and take classes. It is important to avoid negative information and to set yourself up in a positive way. The courses give you an idea of how the birth is going, what to expect afterwards.
How to help yourself through the psychological recovery after childbirth?
- Communication with the baby. Talking and cuddling with your baby calms both of you. A newborn needs to feel his mother next to him (security).
- We learn to understand. Crying is not a tragedy. It is the baby’s way of communicating its needs.
- Sleeping. If someone offers help, it is better to accept it. Husband, grandparents, relatives. While they walk with the baby, cook, do laundry or clean up, there is time for sleep. Healthy sleep is; the key to health.
- Husband -; support. Some women are afraid to trust their spouse with the baby and their worries. You can and should share your feelings with him. Requests for help should be formulated as concretely as possible.
- Appearance. Kilograms will go away over time with the right approach. It is important for girls to like themselves. In this will help a haircut, which does not need a long time to arrange, and a minimal set of procedures. The main thing – try not to “bother” because of the little things like a strip on the stomach or small stretch marks.
- Time alone with yourself. The lack of personal time negatively affects the emotional state of any person. The child can be entrusted to the husband or grandparents. In case of need they will be able to call on the cell phone.
- Communication. After the baby is born, time is spent with him and his husband. Avoid lack of communication helps “moms” who live nearby. They become a support for each other.
Psychological recovery after childbirth from psychologists and doctors
Nerves after childbirth. What to do? Momslab.com has a large section of audio from a psychologist. It helps women cope with their major problems after childbirth.

At mama-polis.ru there is a course on preparing for childbirth. His latest lectures on breastfeeding, the peculiarities of newborns and care for up to 1 year.
Momslab.com will tell you about yoga and meditation for recovery after childbirth.

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