
Kurmasana during pregnancy or turtle pose

Kurmasana and Benefits The turtle pose in yoga is the basics for "advanced" practitioners. From the outside, the asana really…

3 years ago

Supta Baddha Konasana for pregnant women

Baddha Konasana - the essence of the asana For ease of understanding, it is commonly referred to as the butterfly…

3 years ago

Perinatal yoga and its impact on women

Can I do yoga during pregnancy? It is proven that prenatal exercise for a healthy woman is good for pregnancy.…

3 years ago

Hatha yoga classes: asanas

Asanas in hatha yoga are the main element of classes and complexes. Asanas are a special position of the body.…

3 years ago

Menus for mothers in the maternity hospital

How are they fed? The food in the maternity hospital and its quality depend on the maternity hospital itself. Depending…

3 years ago